
540 18 3

11th October 1995

Full moon

My feet had weight to them as they rushed into the crimson common room, feeling my body heat with the emotions fueling my limbs. Many of my housemates didn't pay a second thought as I rushed through the common space, but one, in particular, followed my trail like a mouse.

"Did'ya find him?" A soft voice called after me.

I had just turned the nob to the fifth year girls' dorm, when I registered the words were directed at me. My head turned to spot the suspected redhead that the voice belonged to.

"Yeah, he had answers," I sighed. "Just to different questions."

"You went to another boy for boy advice?" Ginny taunted with a teasing tone as she leaned into the wall with crossed arms.

"No- no of course not." In the few moments following, the air around me chilled under Ginny's beating gaze. "Would you want to spend the night? Hermione is studying late with Luna for a Herbology exam and said she'd probably stay the night there. We can push together her bed and mine." I felt my face stiffen while I spoke and attempted to force a smile to relax my features.

"That's alright, I'm meant to meet someone later on." She said as she pushed off the wall. "But if there's another night when Hermione is out of the dorm, I'll take you up on that offer." Ginny's face formed a soft smile – that was much more convincing than mine – and turned on her heels to walk in the opposite direction. Her investigative work would conclude for the evening but is yet to determine whether her results were conclusive or not.

I sighed as I pushed the door the last few inches, to allow me the space to enter the dorm. The room was dimly lit, compared to the typical. Only a few of the beds were occupied, a mixture of my peers sleeping or some miscellaneous quiet activities. Like before, not a single one of them paid a second moment to acknowledge their classmate that entered the room. I almost had forgotten my fear of being questioned about why I'd missed my classes today.

If you know what's good for you. Stay. Away. From. Him. Theo's words lingered in my ears as my feet dragged towards my four-poster.

What was I missing?

What did Theo know that I didn't? –Probably loads.

How do I even begin to search for the answers he possessed?

Am I wrong about the image the puzzle is creating?

The heels of my hands pushed firm circles into my forehead, to relieve the tense thoughts that occupied my head. The pressure releasing from my forehead caused my eyelids to fall shut over my eyes, while I took the few final strides to my bed. My lungs emptied with a heavy sigh, and I willed my eyes to open. To my surprise, a folded piece of parchment was peeking out from under my pillow. I quickly scanned the room, to ensure no one was paying me a piece of mind. Then to what I expected, no suspects peering in my direction.

With my back facing the others, I slowly pulled the parchment from under the pillow, rolling my shoulders inward to conceal the letter I was unfolding. The parchment was a potent shade of charcoal with thin flowing gold veins, and the texture was satisfying under the pads of my fingers.

Then without a spare moment, my fingers moved to unfold the parchment.

You have questions. I can't promise answers to all of them.

But I'll answer some.

Astronomy tower.


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