Chapter 31

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They battle with Alexs clone one for each one of them but each time they hit Alexs clone they will become more stronger the only way to defeat is to reach there limits on hits this sounds easy but it isn't meanwhile dream and Alex have to 1v1 Alex throws a blood boomerang to dream he then blast through the boomerang and it hit Alex but it didn't take damage Alex and dream keeps exchanging attacks from each other nonstop dream fly over alex and from a summoning art then a huge blast came out and it hit right into Alex she shouted in pain the blast toke off her one arm and burning half of her body "you'll pay for this" Alex said then forms a pool of blood under their feet before they can react their already on the ground Alex then grows an arm back and healed herself making her posture fine like nothing happened she then stabs dream in the stomach he cough off blood Alex then toke the blood and drank it she twitch feeling the power to snide of her "haaa I never felt so powerful in years thanks to you now I can tear this hole city down hahahaha" Alex laughed maniacly then ranboo and Michael came to the rescue ranboo throws the potion that dream made the other day the potion splashes to the ground the potion is air born so effects spreads quickly all their wounds healed very fast lucid jumped in front of Alex and punching her in the stomach making her airborne then charity teleported over her and slashing Alex in the back she crash to the ground but she stands up like it was nothing Michael throws the same potion Alexs power weaks giving them a chance to attack Alex knock them back she activates the pool of blood again but now it didn't stop they falls to the ground ranboo splashes dream with the potion and dragging him off the red pool Michael jumped up and hit tins Alex directly with his giant sword technique followed by ranboo teleporting around throwing knifes at her it shock everyone dream followed it with a blast Alex scream the blast burned her body techno stand in front of her he swing  his sword cutting her head off "*pant...pant...pant* it's finally over haha" quackity said "ahhh spoke to soon quackity look" wilbur point at Alex headless body it squirm and turned red lucid since something and realised "everyone run!!!" he scream after he did Alex body blowed up sending them to fly it was a self distract the ground crumble as the buildings too-

{Mobile Legend Bang Bang forever :3}


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