Chapter 4

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Dreams PoV
Today is saturday so I decided to walk around for a bit as I was walking  around the forest I heard crying in the distance as I walk to the source I saw two children I walked up to them and saw the little one was injured I walk closer and the tall boy noticed me and hug the little one for protection "hey I'm not going to hurt you I'm just going to help him" I said kneeling down but the boy just hug the little one tight "hey… I'm a witch in just going to heal him pls trust in me" I said handing my hand boy finally let go the little one I then placed my hand on the injured foot a couple of seconds I let go "see its all healed now" I said "thank you mister, my name is ranboo and this is Michael my little brother" said ranboo "oh... Hello you can call me dream" I smiled they nodded "so do you want to come with me you guys can stay at my house if you'd like" I said forming a broom "sure thank you I asked you something" ranboo asked "sure thing" I smiled "what do you need a broom for?" ranboo asked "oh… I'm a witch reminder" I said throwing the broom on the air and it levitate "oh I see" ranboo said "come on let's go" I said carrying up Michael I sat down the broom and ranboo sat down beside me

The broom flayed us to the house "come on let's go inside" I said opening the door as we entered I can hear them saying 'wouh' with open mouth I giggled "first let's eat and then we can take you guys a bath" I said "yes pls" said ranboo and we did so it is. After I made the kids to bed I went in to a room I unlocked it and it had an hallway at the end of that I saw a cave entrance and-


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