what if? #1

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(This is where the gay stuff happens)

¡What if Yuu died?¡

Yuu was a beloved student at Night Raven College, helped people overcome their problems and was to one to defeat the overbolted dorm prefects along with the other students, but most importantly he was a friend to his fellow first years especially  to a certain someone.

No one could see this event coming, after multiple overbolt incidents Yuu had given up. After the battle his body was discovered lying unconscious on the ground by no other than his own best friend.

His funeral was small, the only ones who attended were dorm prefects, staff and close friends. Everyone shed tears for the late boy but the one how cried the most was the school head master, Crowley cried upon realizing the boy's wish to go home was left un fulfilled, he blamed his incompetence as a guardian to the boy and was left sobbing on the ground.

Every one felt bad the the man, Crowley was eventually picked up by M/n and seated him beside him. Ace witnesses all of this, he noticed M/n was tired probably because he was the one who set all of this up but most importantly he wasn't crying to his own best friend's funeral.


A week after a funeral Yuu was buried near the Ramshackle dorm and students went on with their normal school routine. Not a lot has changed since his disappearance it only affected some like Grim, Ace and Deuce who were still mourning but unlike them M/n returned to normal as if nothing happend.

Lunch time wasn't the same although their group was still together it wasn't the same, it was quiet, no one wanted to talk not even Sebek. Mean while an older student who was acquainted with them saw this and tired to do something.
"Hey, hey! Why are you all moping around?" Kalim a second year and also the Scarabia dorm leader asked. They were taken aback by his cheerfulness last time they saw him he was bawling his eyes out hiding his face in Jamil's chest.

"Hey! What brings you here?" M/n returned his cheerfulness with a smile "nothing much. Say I gotta got a question for you. If you had a genie what would you wish for? Remember the rules are you can't kill anyone, make someone fall in love or bring someone back from-"

"Kalim!" A loud voice shouted from behind, it was Jamil who was stopping him from saying another word, but everyone already knew what the last rule was, one could only hope the rules didnt exist so they would do what anyone else would do in their situation.
""It's okay Jamil he was only trying to do good." M/n said completely unbothered. The black haired male nodded and dragged the other with him.

"You! I've had enough with you!" A black cat also known as Grim shouted and pointed at M/n "e-eh!? Me?" Grim nodded, he was angry, how come the loss of his friend impacted him more that someone who was supposed to be closer than the two of them.
He wanted to know "did Yuu even mean anything to you!?"

How could he say that!?! M/n has been with Yuu from the start till the end so saying he didnt care for him could be impossible "I..." M/n quickly left, his face says it all, he didnt know. "Grim! How could you say that!" Deuce stood up out of anger "what? Ace already told us what he saw. That guy couldn't even spare tears for Yuu." Ace felt guilty, he only said what he saw and somehow used to slander a friend of his. "Grim maybe should shouldn't take things out of context." Epel suggested.

"I dont care. We all know how badly M/m treated Yuu, he has a slave to him!" Ace couldn't stand it anymore he went in to defend someone dear to him. "How exactly was Yuu a slave? For all I know M/n took care of him like a brother, he protected him when they barely knew each other back then. Yeah M/n made Yuu do things for him but they were all little things M/n would never burden him with anything heavier than doing chores!" Ace blew off slandering M/n especially right after Yuu's funeral was unacceptable.

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