12 {°what do you want?°}

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(Lmao I ran out of twst related images)

Another tiring class M/n thought. After his little tantrum he immediately went to class seeing as he had nothing else to do. He didnt interact with the people he ate with earlier because he was still mad but it did go down a little.

"Where should I go?" He wondered, he had alot of time left to kill but going back to the dorms seems troublesome. It didnt take long when something came up unexpectedly as he was pushed into a wall by non other than the Heartslabul Senior he talked with I  the library.

"Ow! Careful I hit my head on the wall!" M/n rubbed the back of his head. "Where is it?" Kim asked with his face saying he want playing around. "what is what? I dont know what you're talking about. Wait- did you just Kebadon me?"

"That! That's not important!" He let go. "Where did you hide it?"

"Litsen boy I've hidden alot of thing so you're gonna have be say something smarter than that!" M/n toyed with his response. "Ugh! This is yours right." He pulled a magical pen from his pocket.

"There's literally hundreds of students in this school, the color representing what dorm it belongs to cuts your list by alot but it's still a lot, So what makes you think its mine?" M/n was nervous, what does he want? He thought Kim was just another asshole that this school produces in a regular basis but he was right, it was his, the one that he lost yesterday.

"Simple. Magic." He said. Come to think of it where was his collar? It's gone. That observation made M/n even more nervous, how could he have done that even with out side help it would still be difficult.

"Just tell me where it is!"

"Okay yelling at me won't make me know what it is. The owner of the pen? Then congratulations! You've found him!"

Kim sighed, this is getting no where he thought. "Fine let's start over. I need you to tell me were a certain monster from the mine is. I know it was there and I know you were involved in it. So tell me. Where.It. is."
He threatened by putting his own magical pen under M/n's chin.

"Starting over didnt really do anything, so let's just do this the hard way." Using his own, M/n opens a Void door without the door part. "Sorry I have things to do. Goodbye." M/n pushed kim wayans from him and fell behind.

"Get back here!" Kim reached out but the door already closed before he could catch up.

{----- ○ -----}

Meanwhile on the other side of the door M/n fell down a patch of grass. "Ah. That hurts a lot more than I expected." He got up and patted himself down to get rid of dirt.

He looked around to see where he landed and immediately knew where he was, Withered forest and more specifically it's somewhere near 'his' place.

"Hello human."

"He turned around to the giant broken tree. The hight of it was even bigger than his dorm and it would be even bigger if it weren't chopped in half. M/n looked at the base where a giant hole was carved out and he smiled.

"This tree is even more creepy than I remembered. Hello kosma."

"Seeing you here is a certain suprise. Don't you have school or something?"

The beasts deep and distorted voice made it hard to understand but M/n was used to it after years of talking with it it's just like talking to a regular human. "Dont worry I'm only here for a short time. I used the door to-"

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