chapter twenty-four: the mercenaries

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"I found a job."

Glancing up from your work of cleaning weapons, you meet Din's gaze as he leans against the door. His hands rest on the front of his belt and his head is tilted in curiosity as he watches you.

"Good for you," you smile, turning back to your work.

You and Din have been taking a break from getting involved in the troubles of the galaxy. The three of you have been simply drifting through space for the past couple of weeks after a quick restock of supplies.

The days on the ship have been peaceful, blissful. You've passed the time through meditation and speaking with Din. After the blowup between the two of you, Din has been careful about how he addresses you, both by name and emotions. The pet names in Mando'a have lessened slightly but Din still speaks to you with a kindness in his voice that you've rarely heard in your life. His feelings towards you still make you nervous; not because you don't share those feelings, but because of your fear of what those feelings could cause in the future. You can't deny the warmth you feel in your chest and joy that fills you whenever Din is near. He's become your comfort... your person.

The two of you have been finding small things to talk about... Things that seem unimportant and simple, and yet you couldn't get enough of these tidbits about Din. Din's favorite color was purple, like how the sky turns during sunset. You had smiled when he had told you, making you think back to the nights of Arvala-7. How you had watched the explosion of color that spread over the sky as the suns set.

"What about you?" Din had asked. "What's your favorite color?"

"Green," you'd whispered. "Dark green, like the forests."

"Like the ones on Endor?"

"Yes, exactly like that."

You treasured those conversations and how random and strange the questions eventually became, leaving the two of you in a laughing fit.

Din asked about your travels and adventures during the Wars; careful not to upset you, but curious to know more about your mysterious past. You told him about the people and the places you'd known, seen, and been. About Obi-Wan and Anakin and how they would bicker and banter in their missions as if they were brothers. About the clones and Waxer and Boil, the duo gracing your path during your missions with the Republic. You'd detailed the planets and fights you'd seen, explained the trainings of the Jedi, and told him about your arrival on Endor. Sometimes you'd talk about Ari, replaying the memories in your mind as you told the tales of your adventures and your narrow escapes from the Empire. You told Din about your master, Kya Thorn.

"So, you're assigned to a Jedi Master once you're of age to be a Padawan?"

"Essentially, yes. And that Jedi Master is meant to train you until you are of age and ability to face the Trials... to become a Jedi Knight. My master was Kya Thorn."

You smile at the memory of your old master. The pain of her tragic death starting to fade as you spend this time with Din, shifting through the memories and tragedies that you've seen and endured. You describe your old master to Din, your eyes shining as you remember the sisterly bond that you had created with her.

"She was of Togruta descendence, and she was stunning." You touch Din's hand, sending the image of the powerful woman into his mind for him to see. The memory of your battle on Ryloth flickered through Din's mind and he can see the Jedi Master standing before you. She had torn through droids to get to you, cutting you free of your bonds from capture. Din watches your face blossom into a smile that matches the one you had worn when your master had rescued you from those droids. The woman truly was stunning. Master Thorn's skin had been light blue and decorated with white markings. Her head tails and montrals displayed similar pigmentation. A golden band of akul teeth adorned her forehead, displaying her strength and power in battle. She's wearing tan and brown Jedi robes in your memory, and Thorn's arms and chest were covered in plates of white armor, which have been painted in varying colors and symbols.

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