Chapter 7

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Authors Note: Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is so short but I'm having a bit of a writer's block :(

Snape woke up the following morning, unsure what was going to happen. Did Bellatrix tell Voldemort about her suspicions? Did Voldemort actually believe her? Snape pushed these thoughts to the side, refusing to doubt the plan that Dumbledore had laid out for him. If he began to doubt himself, or the plan, he could begin to make mistakes, which was the last thing he needed right now.

            Snape made his way down to the Great Hall, to find that he was one of the first one’s there, except for Bellatrix. Snape could feel the anger boiling up inside of him as he made his way over to her, but kept his voice at a whisper. He didn’t want anyone that may walk in to overhear.

            “Bellatrix.” Snape greeted, trying to smile, but it came out more of a scowl.

            “Why hello, Snape!” Bellatrix said, with the biggest smile on her face.

            Snape became serious. “What did you tell the Dark Lord?” he demanded.

            “Oh, why nothing. Why would you accuse me of such a deed?”  She said, doing her best to look innocent. Snape finally reached his breaking point. He grabbed Bellatrix by the shoulders and pushed her against the wall, causing her to temporarily lose her breath in shock. “Stop acting like a dim-witted fool! I know you know what I am talking about and I demand to know what you told him!” Snape hissed, and then quickly looked around to see that the other Death Eaters were slowly starting to make their way towards them, but stopping a few feet away to take in the scene.  Bellatrix started laughing like a maniac. Snape abruptly let go of her and stormed off towards his seat, fuming. He had let his guard down, something that he should never do. He just hoped none of the other Death Eaters became suspicious of him.

            Snape watched as the other Death Eaters filed in, looking around warily, like they were expecting the worst. Voldemort appeared from the shadows, and walked to his usual seat, but didn’t sit down. Snape studied his grave face and wondered what was troubling him; it couldn’t be good, which meant that they could be in some serious trouble.

            “My friends,” Voldemort said, looking around. “I have some news.  We’ve located Potter and his friends. Xenophilius Lovegood, in order to gain his precious daughter back, has agreed to turn in Potter and his friends if given the chance. Well,” he said, grinning to himself, “that chance came and now Potter stands in his home, unaware of the fact that the person he trusts has betrayed him!” The hall erupted into roars of laughter, which came to an abrupt stop when Voldemort raised his hands for silence. “Now, my friends, we must quickly travel to his home. Remember, the boy is mine!”

            “What if that Lovegood fellow lied?” Goyle questioned. “What do we do then?”

            “Then I shall deal with Lovegood myself.” Voldemort said while glairing at Goyle. “Now, go get ready and we shall be off!” and with that the hall quickly  filled with the sounds of Death Eaters footsteps rushing off to catch the boy who lived.

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