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Eagles flew faster than the week did.

Sluggish and nonchalant, Liliya found herself yawning through classes until the end of her day. Her energy stilted where she had no bother to reach the lake for her daily cigarette and instead, enjoyed it in the comfort of her own dorm.

She didn't mind at all; anything to the avoidance of the three musketeers was a blessing.

Silence and peace was a gratitude.

Not to mention Krum had left her alone. To some extent anyway. Now that he had turned his focus onto Hermione, who ate at the attention he gave her, his words became nothing but looks of jealousy. Annoyed that she was living her life better without him.

But that didn't completely disregard the fact that he made her uncomfortable on the inside. If anyone found out what he did, they would think exactly the same.

As she inhaled the nicotine, her mind was unable to withdraw from them. Them.

And the interactions she had with the blond male that had set her body in a disarray of confusion. A maze of oblivion and oh how she hated being lost.

So many things she despised.

Loathing was beyond hatred. It was much darker. So dark that not even colour and light could escape. Perhaps it was a better fitting word for the anger that had her heart and hands palpitating was that of a trembling mouse.

For his cockiness was brighter than gold. It was infuriating to her. Everything about him. And he revelled in it all. He loved getting on her nerves by the sake of breathing.

He knew he looked good. He knew he could make a girl swoon. Easily as well.

When he rocked his hips to hers, feeling him fully, deep heat rumbled between her thighs.

Liliya shuddered at the thought of it.

She would get flushed thinking about how he felt, the way he pulsed against her. And surprisingly so, how he had been the first boy in a while that made her chest flutter with hawks as opposed to butterflies.

But then there was Theo.

Smooth and rich like chocolate. Man of many smirks tales. It was a battle against them both. So her curiosity ate at her on the idea of the third.

Questions lay unanswered but she had to hold her tongue and bide time. If she wanted them fulfilled, she would need to learn patience. Regardless of how hard it may be.

As she walked through the corridors in the early morning of Saturday, she hugged into her jumper. Spring hasn't come to its full life yet. But the flowers had begun to sprout from the ground.

When she reached the classroom, there was a tinge of hesitance. It felt undeserving and it annoyed her.

Was this necessary in any way? She would ask herself every other step.

Hermoine would always be the one to win an argument even in the pitfalls of her own supportive head of house. Liliya didn't resent Snape for it. All she did feel for him was shame.

A small rattling noise came from the other side. Almost like they were whispers. As though woodpeckers had infiltrated the building and saw all the wood they could drill.

The door moaned as she forced the knob to twist revealing Severus at his desk, with guests among him already seated.

"You're late." His voice is dark.

Liliya shrugs, "Only by," she turns to the clock quickly, "one hundred and twenty seconds."

Theo smirks at her, he sits lazily. Chin to the chest and spine slumped, knees spread wide. Blaise sat beside him on the desk one over. Slightly more timid. 

RIVALRY | Co authored with KirstenennWhere stories live. Discover now