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"Hello, little wolf." The shadow spoke.

The darkness cradles his skin in the most perfect way, accentuating the curvatures of his defined jaw especially in the way it rolls.

A moment surpasses, causing his brow to arch as he impatiently waits for an answer.

"I asked you a question, intruder." He scoffed. "Don't make me use the cruciatus curse to wind that tongue to speak."

This was definitely not Viktor Krum. For he wouldn't use a threat so crudely. Liliya knew that he was more of an agitator as opposed to an aggressor. The recollection almost allows her skin to spike.

His scent wasn't as such of any others that she had noticed. A fine concoction of expensive cologne, not that of British kind - no, it was far more expensive. French, cologne.

With a tinge of nicotine and what she authorised as sandalwood. It was an abundant and awkward mixture, but, surprisingly, it blended well.

Very well.

So much she found herself salivating although his face was still unclear. It only hungered her curiosity more. Not that she would admit it openly.

The shadow before her swaggers slowly until the light of the moon above shines to the side of his face. Her body tenses. The world has gone on standby.

Blond. So very blond. Platinum, one would say. Like the reflection of the moon.

Small waves danced over his skin where specks of the water against the night sky, including the vegetation of kelp would wither to and fro the windows frame.

His index finger and thumb cup her chin, lifting it slightly so that they're a breath apart. "Aw." He sarcastically coos. "Scared of me already? You sure hold no bite like you say you do."

Liliya crinkles her nose. Already opposed with ejected attraction.

"Get your filthy hands off me." Liliya shoves his arm away. "I don't owe you any explanations."

"You do when you're prancing around in my room." He smirks down at her, closer than ever, unfazed by the sudden outburst of her violence.

"Then I'll be damned to give you anything you want to know." Arms over her breasts, she tilts her weight to one side.

He moistens his lower lip with his tongue before waving his wand in silence, casting light around him by the flicker of a few floating candles. It still isn't enough to be able to read comfortably, however. But, it gave her the allowance to see his bodice a bit more clearly.

Salazar be damned.

Whatever his name was, the close friend of Theo, was no longer dressed in his Durmstrang uniform.

Instead he suited bottoms that were dark grey, hanging low on his hips which exposed the bulges of every delicious muscle. His torso — completely bare.

Liliya fought hard not to let her eyes slip down his body but the second she noticed his hard muscles on his flat stomach, her lips parted.

Ink was painted over his bodice. Almost everywhere. But none bore colour.

In patches, from snakes to chess pieces. King and queen cards to barbed wire that wrapped around his wrists as though they were shackles. Above his belly button was what she recognised as a black widow spider, hanging from its background of cobwebs.

He looked — frustratingly beautiful.

"Are you done drooling?" He grins as he twirls his wand between his fingers, the other shovelled in the pocket.

RIVALRY | Co authored with KirstenennWhere stories live. Discover now