Chapter One

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It was noon and I swooped off the island of Berk with Hydra. I told Hiccup that I was just heading out on an evening ride; but nobody knew that I was actually planning on leaving Berk forever. I had several feelings about this, but everyone always says follow your heart, and that is exactly what I will do from now on.

The package I had managed to get with Hydra was clothes, food and weapons. The wings flattened against the air as Hydra snorted, looking back. Never would we ever set feet on that island again unless it was necessary.

"It is about time we move on with our lives and do something else," I whispered, patting Hydra's neck. He crooned in reply, speeding up by my touch, leaving the isle further and further back.


Y/N had told me that he would go on a evening ride with Hydra. I never thought much of it but I started worrying once he didn't come back. I had checked the stables several times and even with his parents, but they didn't seem to have understood what the point with him being gone long was.

I had an odd feeling about this. It wasn't alike Y/N to just disappear into nothing less, was it?

"Hey, Astrid, have you seen Y/N and Hydra lately? They flew on a evening ride but haven't came back yet. I'm getting worried," I said, rubbing the back of my neck.

"I'm sure they're fine, don't worry," smiled Astrid back, returning to shaping her axe's blade.

I sighed and went out again, heading to the backyard of Hydra's stables. I saw a bit of parchment attached to the bark with an arrow. It stood for Hiccup:

I'm sorry to say that I left Berk forever. I didn't know how to express this to you so I just lied to your face. I have to admit that you are quite easily fallen for lies, but back to point –

I have left Berk and everything behind. I have moved on with my life. Why? You might be wondering.

1. I started to feel like an outcast and forgotten. Nobody seemed to notice me anymore.

2. I felt rejected and lost when you started dating Astrid.

3. I bet you don't even care right now, so I'll just shut up about my things and keep the letter going, if you're even reading this, which I also am rethinking.

Anyway, I won't return to Berk unless it will be necessary. You might also be wondering why I feel lost and forgotten, by you, especially when you started dating Astrid – however – I have always been deeply in love with you, Hiccup.

I felt butterflies to my stomach when I saw you for the first time. I thought it was nervousness, but they kept coming back within days and moments I spent with you. I thought that it wasn't worth confessing my love for you, because I saw in your eyes that they had themselves settled on a pair of ocean blue eyes all the time.

She's beautiful, I have to admit. I am just happy that you are happy with Astrid. Take care of yourselves and her,

with love, Y/N and Hydra.

I reread the paper thousands of times. We really made Y/N feel like this? Forgotten? Lost? I felt my stomach twist and tears welling up in my eyes. He loved me too. He– he loved me.

"I'm so, so sorry, Y/N. I should've– I should have been more... caring than what I was ... I-," I muttered to myself, cursing In dragonese too.

I headed back to my hut. Astrid sat on Dad's throne. I felt the sudden urge to push her away, lead her to her own house and let her sleep there for the night.

"He's gone forever," I said, tossing Astrid Y/N's letter.

I walked upstairs, sitting down on my bed. I felt so awful. I felt shameful, idiotic, pathetic and stupid. I made someone so close to me so lost and forgotten that they left Berk! Astrid came up by the stairs and looked at me. I refused to meet her ocean blue eyes. They weren't even that beautiful compared to Y/N's crimson red ones.

"I don't think we shall look for him, Hiccup. He expressed well that he wants to steal you away from me and we love each other, don't we? Besides he doesn't need us anyways and we don't need him either!" said Astrid.

I looked at her. "Leave my house." I pointed to the door behind us. "Leave and don't come back until you've realized what you just said."

Just as Astrid left, Toothless jumped through the window of my room, landing with a thud. He crooned softly at my expression towards the floor, and snuggled against my leg.

",, Hydra and Y/N are gone forever,," I said in dragonese, looking at Toothless. He crooned, wrapping his tail around my legs protectively.

",, they can't be,," he replied. ",, Hydra was my best friend!,,"

",, I know and Y/N ... well I loved him but i-i didn't realize It and now he's gone and I can't confess anything towards him...,," I replied, putting my head in toothless neck

𝙳𝚁𝙰𝙶𝙾𝙽 𝙿𝚁𝙸𝙽𝙲𝙴- 𝙷𝚒𝚌𝚌𝚞𝚙 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛!𝙼𝚊𝚕𝚎حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن