Entry 12: Maid?

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I got up and got ready to workout. As I was about to walk out I see Kiana at my door looking shocked.

"How did you noticed?"

"I was just lucky."


"So what do you need miss sleepyhead?"

"I challenge you to a gun dual!"

"Right and what do I get out of this?"

"We'll if you win I'll allow you to marry Mei, but if I win then you're not going anywhere near Mei!"

"And what makes think that I would accept this?"


"Look, it's all up to Mei who she wants and two why would I bet my chances on the risk of never being near her?"

"Um...ahh.... S..."

Her mind was just exploded. Her face turn bright red and she kept trying to find something to say. To think one of his daughters is this much of a air head.

"Fine I'll accept the dual."

"Wait really! Okay come with me!"

She's a very cute girl, literally from a blushing mess into happy go lucky. Though I feel like it might be down fall if she fails to grow out of it. I followed her to a coliseum, which was pretty big place and it was the same place where I humiliated Kianna on our match. Though within this short time I was able to see a new side of Kiana. Though for some reason I feel things are moving way to quick almost like it's has somebody playing the strings on everyone. Enough of the speculation on that theory, I see Kiana pull out two guns and throws them to me. I caught them and I notice it has a rubber like handle, it only made me cringe.

"Rubber handles, what are you a kid?"

Her face got red from what I said and she took out two more guns, then pointed it at me.

"Hey! I'm no kid! I have you know I'm the best at gun kata."

"Gun kata, huh? I'm pretty sure that style of fighting is very limiting."

"Shut up! I'll show you how why I reign on the top!"

*Theresa POV

I have way to many papers to complete, I don't why we can't transfer all of this on the gosh darn internet! I hear of a notification and I look over to it. My face cringe when I saw it; Kiana is summoning about a hundred zombies in the arena for some reason. I went to stop it, but for some reason I've lost all control of the system. Fucking hell, you have to be kidding me how did I lose control. I need to hurry over there or she might get heavily injured.

*John POV

"Wow, that's a lot of zombies are we sure we have enough ammo for this?"

"Getting cold feet?"

"No, because I don't want you go wasting ammo on dead space."

"Dame you with your dumb comebacks! I bet your scared to fight so many, but I fought hundreds of them before!"

"Wow, to lie that easily! Consider me impressed."

Kiana was very angry, but the zombies appeared through data. Which was very impressive, though I wonder why so many zombies. The guns hold 25 shots and two extra mags that brings about a total of 50 shots. If I want to bet on her aim 50 doesn't seem right. First of all if we get an equal amount we will get a tie? Hold on, I'm thinking way to much into this I just to kill the zombies. I notice their were 10 Archer zombies and rest were Praetorian Zombies.

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