Chapter 17

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The once chaotic ocean has died down after the "blizzard" hit.

Most of the shipgirls had held onto each other, to make sure they don't get lost.

Orochi: W-Where did this tremendous power came?

Orochi said with confusion. Out of the frost smoke came a shadow, walking steadily infront of Orochi

Orochi: You're!-

?: Your demise

Orochi only had a glimpse to evade the attack, she then flew away as far as she could in the thick fog

Orochi: What's happening? A while ago, I was just fighting that man and then this blizzard came and then...and then

?: Oh? Instead of watching around you and focusing on the battle, you're thinking of the recent events? A fool you are

The man from before spoke inside Orochi's head

Orochi: Where are you!? Stop hiding and show yourself, coward!

?: HahahaHAHAHAHAHA... Fine then, I will show myself to stop the trembling in your feet


Orochi's hearing rang after a loud bang, blasting some of the fog away from the tremendous shock from where the sound came from

?: Now that the fog is gone, I'm sure those pitiful eyes of yours can see me clear as day

Orochi: W-What did you just do?

?: What did I do? I just simply blasted the fog away, with my guns of course

Said ? While pointing at his guns' smoking barrel

Orochi: Those guns...they're not normal!

?: Then, shall we start?

? prepared himself and charged at Orochi, immediately slamming down his hammer. Orochi jumped away and summoned her sword once again

?: Tell me, do you know how to fight?

Orochi: Why would you ask such question in the midst of a battle?

The even more confused Orochi asked

?: If you know how to fight, then you should know how to kill, if you don't... you'll simply....DIE!

? Once again appeared infront of Orochi and swung his hammer down, he then vanished and reappeared behind Orochi

Orochi: This is...BAD!

Orochi was thrown away by the hammer, after she hit the surface, she slammed onto some spikes hurting her badly, after a while she stopped skidding, leaving her body in pain

?: Tell me, do you like to fight?

Orochi: Tch, How d-did you get t-this strength?

?: A secret is a secret, Orochi

Orochi: I was just a mere ant for you

Said Orochi as tears fell through her eyes

? Stood back, putting his hammer down. She then pulled Orochi closer while cupping her cheeks

?: Don't cry now, your death is not what I wish for. Even the strongest being has their weakness, remember that Orochi


Suddenly, ?'s left hand was holding a knife, from someone close

?: Did you think you can fool me?.....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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