Code H Files (updated)

418 9 8

Name: CS Habakkuk
•Grand Admiral,
•Head of Atlantic/Arctic defence force
•Representative of the Royal Navy in The Council


Looks: A man(20) with white hair and blue strands. Wearing a white admiral suit
with a admiral hat and an admiral jacket similar to Enterprise but with light blue linings

Height: approximately 200cm


Displacement:2,200,000 tonsLength:2000 ft

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Displacement:2,200,000 tons
Length:2000 ft.
Beam:200 ft.
Draft: 150 ft.

26 electric motors
33,000 hp (25,000 kW)
Speed:6 knots

•40 dual-barrelled 4.5" DP (dual-purpose) turrets

•Numerous light anti-aircraft guns

Armor: Can take a hit from 30-50 23 inch Armor piercing shells in one go, will regenerate lost Armor in 20 seconds and 10 seconds if 2 enemies are killed in time

Aircraft carried:
dive bombers - 50
torpedo bombers -50
Lancaster heavy bomber -30
Spitfire mk.VI-60

About: One of the members of the Council ,Habakkuk is respected from all factions and treated as if he's the highest among everyone. He is the most powerful ship in the Royal Navy currently, He's also the only member in the council from the Royal Navy and is known throughout as the Admiral of North and South due to his ship being made of ice and his missions always around the North and South. His only weakness would be the most obvious and awkward reason, heat. He doesn't like heat when on a mission and would stay as far from the equator to avoid it as much as he can. Even if he couldn't die of it he despises it.


Passive: Below Zero: Can turn the temperature from 10°C to 25°C around a 1km radius, can also have snow within the land in said radius.

Passive#2: Frozen Guide : Manipulate water into ice and control it

Deadly Payload: 20 Lancaster heavy bombers will drop 12,000 lb bombs over a target, each bomb can destroy a battleship in a single hit.
Accuracy is increased by 3x if not engaged by AA and fighters

Air Dominance: fighter
aircrafts will dominate the sky while bombers will make runs on enemy ships within a 50km radius.

Freezing rain: Shards of Ice would fall into the earth and will freeze any surface the shards touch or hit.

Ice'teroid: throw an Iceberg dealing a massive damage and incapacitating any possible mortal being to ever live. (Not ice on steroid [could be] but "Asteroid" )


A/N:" S1xb0nes there you go Senpai.

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