First Date

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It's currently 10:00 and I'm about to head to the lot to meet Jay, and I couldn't be more nervous. Jade is finishing the touches on my hair and then I'll be ready. They all take steps back and they gasp. "Olivia, you look incredible. He's gonna freak," Thunder says as everyone nods. I smile and grab my bag, and put my phone in my back pocket. "Thanks girls. Let's see if he didn't stand me up," I say as they all roll their eyes. "He isn't gonna do that. He seems to like you a lot. Hell, we saw him run out there to save you from Ethan, and he looked like smoke was coming out of his body he ran so fast," Ruby says. I take a deep breath, and let it out quickly as I walk towards the lot with Ruby and Jade. Once we approach the back lot, I see Jay and he turns to look my way. His smile radiating off of him like he won a championship. He walks towards me and I fidget with my fingers out of nervousness. He takes my hands and holds them in front of us. I look into his eyes and start smiling and blushing like a fool. "Are you nervous dear?" He asks softly. "A little. I haven't been on a date in a long time so.." I say as my eyes trail off, and he lifts my chin to look at his eyes again. "Don't be nervous dear, I won't hurt you," he says as we smile at each other. "I actually believe you," I say as he kisses my knuckles and looks at Ruby and Jade. "I'm taking her to the purple vineyards restaurant on the other side of town. If you ladies would like, you could bring a date and join us. I know it would ease her mind a bit," he offers. "She'll be okay. We don't want to intrude," Jade says as Ruby nods in agreement. "Next time though. Hoping there is a next time," he says as he looks back at me. "Based on the past few minutes, I say you're for sure getting a second date," I say as he blushes a little. "Shall we get going?" He asks as I nod. "Lead the way," I say as we start walking the way to his car. Once we get to his car, I go to open the door and he stops me and opens it for me. I blush as I slide in the door and sit down. He walks around to the driver's side and get in and start the car. "So Olivia, I'm very glad you agreed to come out with me tonight," he says as he grabs my hand and locks our fingers together. "When I saw you earlier today, I felt this connection to you. Like the moon pulling in the tide. Then when I saw you get attacked by Ethan, I snapped. I couldn't believe that man child put his hands on you. That's when I knew I had to do something.. then when you smiled at me when I came to you.. my whole demeanor changed. It's like you centered me," he explains further. We talk about the connection we have and talk about his match next week with Ethan.

Once we get to the restaurant we have some wine and walk around the vineyard. He told me about his time in NJPW, and traveling the world. We also talk about how we grew up and things we used to do as kids. We couldn't keep our hands off of each other and I keep wishing this night wouldn't end. But it becomes 2 in the morning and he takes me home. We agreed to see each other before dynamite next week and I couldn't be more excited. He walks me to my front door, and we are standing there hugging and then we stop to look at each other. "Olivia, can I ask a question?" He says as I nod and smile. "Can I kiss you?" He whispers as our foreheads touch. "I thought you'd never ask," I say as he wastes no time to lean in. Once our lips collide, the sparks fly and I feel like I'm floating. We pull apart and I kiss him softly once more, as he repeats my actions. "Good night darling. I'll see you soon," he says as he kisses my forehead. "I'll see you soon Jay," I say as I pull him back in for one more kiss. We pull away and he starts to walk to his car. As I unlock my door, I watch him drive away, without him blowing me one last kiss and I catch it and hold my hands close to my chest. As he turns off my street, I walk in my door and turn on my lights and walk up to my room. I lay on my bed and call the whole squad. I tell them about everything and even about our kisses. They're all really happy for me. After a while we get off the phone. I put on my pajamas and lay in bed. I get a text right as I fall asleep. It's Jay and he just got to his hotel room and is laying in bed. We say our good nights and I doze off. Ending an amazing night.

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