A Random Feeling

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I get to the shop around 8:55 the next day. I decided to wear my tick tick boom t shirt with denim jeans and my denim jacket. I order a coffee with lots of cream and sugar. Nancy isn't behind the counter, but the man there is very friendly and makes me laugh as I am paying. I take my coffee and walk into the book stacks. Several minutes later as I am examining a play poster I hear his voice.
"Hey. Here you are."
I look up and Lin is standing at the end of the aisle. He is wearing his tick tick boom t-shirt and jeans. His warm brown eyes roamed over me as he smiles.
I smile and laugh, "Twinsies."
He notices the shirt, "Great minds think alike. C'mon, I want to show you around."
We wander around the store talking as he gives me a tour. He points out the book recommendations and we realize we have some things in common. I comment on some of the playbills and posters so he starts talking about each play or musical. He is shocked that I have never been to a real Broadway play and insists that I need to see one before I go home. Several people interrupt us, wanting to talk to him or take a picture. He is very patient and speaks to each one.
Suddenly, he grabs my hand, "Come with me." He leads me through the shop and into a backroom. It has a table and several piles of books,"Thanks for coming back. I enjoyed yesterday and today."
" Sure, "I say," I have really enjoyed talking with you too. "
"Crazy genius right?"
He steps closer to me and cups my cheek, "I have an odd question. Do you feel this?"
"What, "I whisper.
"This pull. Like I have to know more. I can't walk away as hard as I try.."
He kisses me and it is like a thousand sparks go off in my body as I feel his soft demanding lips on mine. He opens his lips and his tongue asks for permission which I give. His tongue touches mine and they tangle together. I push him away and breath hard.
"I'm sorry," he says, "I couldn't st--"
I cut off his words by claiming his mouth and lacing my arms around his neck. His hands go to my hips and he pulls me against him as we kiss. We pull apart, gasping for air. He puts his forehead against mine.
"Fuck," he says breathless.
"Fuck right," I agree, "I'm sorry. I.....,"
He laughs, " Repeating it isn't going to change it. We should walk away now. You go home. I go home. "
"To your wife and kids," I nod.
"Yes, but fuck. I can't stop kissing you," he says as he claims my mouth again.
We pressed against each other. He dances me against a wall and deepens the kiss. His hands roam up my sides. I unlock my hands and move them across his chest and down to his waist. He moves his mouth to my neck and sucks on my sweet spot. I groan and pull at his waist.
"Lin,"I gasp, "we need to stop. What if someone comes in?"
He pulls back from me and smiles sadly, "Yep. Not good."
I nod, "I better go."
"Wait. Can we meet again? "
I reach up and touch his cheek, "I don't think we should. You are married."
He presses our foreheads together, "Think about it at least. I don't want to let this go,"
"Lin,"I said,"let me think. I can't do that when..."
He kissed me again and steps away, "You look like you have been thoroughly kissed. Go, before I forget myself and start again. Cause I'll be laying you on the table next."
"Are you free all day, "I ask, my mind whirling.
"Til 6. Pick up my sons from my parents," he smiles,"Why?"
"Just asking," I say. I kiss him quickly and leave the room. I make it out of the bookshop, down the busy street, almost to my hotel before I stop. I touch my lips, still feeling his against them. His hands touching me. No Claire, you shouldn't . He is married. Has children. But fuck, my body says, he can make you hum. You are leaving in five days, probably never see him again. I hear that inside voice, "just do it". I pull out my phone and open my text messages.

--Concord Hotel Room 1456. Can you come now?--

The reply came a moment later
--On my way--

A/N: Sorry for a short chapter, but it is all a setup for the next one.

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