A Random Meeting

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I had been coming to New York City for almost a year for my company from Texas. We are partially merging with a New York company and are in the middle of final negotiations. I was here for a week of final prep meetings. I knew my way around the city enough to survive and not get in trouble. I arrived the night before my meeting and since that meeting was not until the afternoon decided to walk over to the Drama Bookshop since I hadn't made it there on any previous visits.

I dressed in a pair of dark wash jeans, a red Houston sweatshirt and tennis shoes. Since I would need to clean up later, I put my brown hair in a ponytail and pulled on my ball cap. I carried my leather tote bag and was soon walking into the shop, marveling at the book worm. I found an In the Heights book that I wanted and purchased. I also bought a hot chocolate and sat at one of the tables to enjoy my book.

I had been sitting there a few minutes when a man sat down across from me, opened his laptop, started typing and talking to himself. I looked up thinking "what the hell". I immediately recognized him, Lin-Manuel Miranda. He had on a dark grey hoodie and jeans. His eyes were closed and his headphones on. I was pretty sure he had no idea that he had sat at an occupied table. In fact, the table next to me was empty. I smiled and tried not to stare at him. He was having a one sided conversation with himself. I went back to reading my book but kept glancing up at him.

Finally, after 10 minutes, he looks up, "Oh, fuck," he took off his headphones, " Were you sitting here the whole time? "

"Yep. You sat down and started working away,"I nod.

"I am so sorry. I didn't even notice you. "

"That's a surprise. I am pretty big and hello, red sweatshirt."

He frowns, "No you aren't. I'm Lin by the way," he sticks out his hand.

I take it, "It's Claire and I know who you are."

He cocks his head. I raise up my book so he can see the cover, "Of course you do and now you know I am crazy," he. commented.

I laughed, "Geniuses usually are."

He laughs, "I think I like you."

"I think I like you too."

We sit and talk for a bit longer. His phone rings and he looks at the screen, "Hold on a second." He answers and starts talking. After a minute, I can tell it's his wife, lots of "yes dears".

I look at my watch and see that I need to go to get ready for my meeting. I stand up and take our empty cups to the trash. When I turn back, Lin is gone, but he signed the front of my In the Heights book. I smile, put the book in my tote and leave.

I make it back to my hotel and ride the elevator to my company provided suite. It had a living room with a fridge and a lux bathroom that boasts both a tiled walk in shower and soaker tub. I take my new book out of my bag. A piece of paper falls out and flutters down on the desk. In bold sharpie there is a phone number and a note that read "text me, I enjoyed our talk". I stare at it then giggle to myself. It's fake, I think, no way would he give me his number. I leave it sitting on the desk and head to the shower, getting ready for my meeting.
Forty five minutes later, I have put on makeup and my hair falls in curls down my shoulders. I have on a black pantsuit, red dress shirt and black boots. I grab my briefcase again staring at the note.

Ok Claire, I say, you are a glutton for punishment. I pick up my phone and put the number in my contacts under 'crazy genius '. I type a quick text.

--Hey table mate. You left before I could say goodbye. Thank you for signing my book. Very sweet for a crazy genius--

I close my phone and head off to my meeting. I hail a cab and give directions to the downtown office. As I settle in for the ride, my phone dings for a text. I pull it out and open it.

--Sorry, life called. Can I see you again? I will be at the bookshop tomorrow after I drop my son to school around nine. Please come, see me--

I stare at the text until the cab stops in front of the office I requested. I decide not to reply yet so I can be focused for my meeting. I put my phone away, pay the cabby and head into my meeting.

It is now hours later, my meeting went so well that I am not needed tomorrow. A whole day off. I decide to stop at Drama Bookshop to get a hot chocolate for the evening. I walk in and order.

The older woman behind the counter asks, "First time in our shop?"

"No,"I say,"I was in this morning. The chocolate is amazing."

She takes a second look at me, "Oh, you were wearing a ball cap this morning and a red hoodie. I loved your hoodie."

"Thank you,"I say.

She laughs,"Lin sat with you. I swear he doesn't do that. He is writing again, so he gets...... "

"Crazy," I say, "I didn't mind."

She leans across the counter as she hands me the hot chocolate, "Word of advice," she says quietly, "He is a great guy. Don't think you can come in and be in his life. He is married."

" I know, "I say," I am only here for a week on business. I,"

"You are not the first one I have given this warning too," she glanced up and her eyes flash, "Hey boss," she says raising her voice.

"Nancy," I hear Lin's voice behind me.

I turn and he is standing about 50 feet away. He has a Doctor Who messenger bag around his shoulder and is wearing the same hoodie as this morning. He smiles at me, "Hey table mate."

"Hey crazy genius. I was stopping for a chocolate. Nice to see you again."

I slip around him and out the door. As I walk back to my hotel, my phone goes off a few times, but I ignore it. I get into my room and change into some flannel pj bottoms and my orange tank top. I sit on the small couch and open my phone. There are 4 texts from Lin. I sigh and open the first one.

--Are we meeting tomorrow? I haven't heard. I am at the shop. I think that is you ahead of me. Wow. You really clean up nice. --

The second one included a photo of me leaning over, listening to what Nancy is telling me,

-- I thought that was you. Whatever she tells you, don't believe her. She thinks she is helping. She knows nothing about my life--

The third one was several sad emojis.

The final text

--Please. Meet me tomorrow. I want to talk with you again. I promise, she won't be here--

I stare at my phone, finally I text back

--Ok. See you around nine.--

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