The Beast Within Your Love

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Fawn knew Nyx was keeping something from her. She had asked Nyx about it before when her girlfriend got antsy during the full moon, but that was when Nyx flew off.

Then Fawn went to search for her. She heard a howl mixed with a scream, Nyx's scream, and the snapping of bones. Fawn thought the worst had happened to her. She followed the cry to an abandoned bird's nest. She looked into the nest and saw nothing as she imagined. There was a wolf-like creature with dark fur and silver eyes lying in the nest around the size and build of Nyx. A growl emanated from the beast. It was scared.

Fawn felt like she knew the creature "Nyx?" She whispered. The creature sniffed her hand as she said the name then the beast flinched back as if she was kicked. Fawn whispered again, "Easy Nyx, easy. It's me, Fawn."

Nyx seemed to be in a sort of trance during the full moon. The animalistic side of Nyx was more cautious. It took a bit of coaxing to get her to trust her.

(Time skip)

When the full moon was over, the wolf turned back into Nyx, who cautiously looked around. When she saw Fawn, she wanted to fly away, but she knew she had to explain what had happened.

The Wolf Fairy (Nyx x Fawn)Where stories live. Discover now