Chapter 4: The Juduko

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The Behemoth of a ship was beggining to jump into Imperial Space to continue the fight on Imperial Ground... while all of this is being planned, Cody and Aaron dock in hangar bay 5-Echo, which was on a second story level for Hnagars, closest to the Bridge.

Cody: Aaron, how much Fuel do you think this thing needs?

Aaron: More than any nation of our enemies could produce... if they even do have fuel production that is.

Cody: It will be very hard for them to get Fuel, since their allies are cornered and are being whittled down. They can't even get a civilian freighter across without IU Intervention Forces.

They got out of the Temprence through the dropdoor, and the Ground Level for the Hangar was MASSIVE. It was capable of fitting Multiple Carriers AT ONCE, and acted as a main FOB for any ITO or IU Military Operations.

Cody: You wonder if any of this technology was around when dad was alive?

Aaron: It was... difference was, he wasn't in service when it was. It came around 7 years after his service ended. We've perfected it after 8 years of using it.

Cody: Such a fast technology leap, and we perfected it in a decade?

Aaron: Democracies have their advantages, Cody... no one system works for every single person. It's best to let countries decide for themselves.

Cody: So that is why they said in school to let others decide for thrmselves... only they know what to do.

Aaron: Quick learner, just like your dad. He always knew what to do just after a second of contact... man had an innate sense for Conflict. No wonder he embraced it so much... he had a legitimate skill for it.

Cody: He got to see it in me before he died... so I think he's happy he has a true successor of his mind.

They continued strolling down the hallway, as both of them got looks their way...

Cody: Are people staring?...

Aaron: Yes, they are. Don't let them get in the way of the mission... most of them know who we are. That's why we are getting different looks.

Cody: That is noted...

They reached an elevator where it had the floor where they needed to go.

Cody: Alright, I guess we're taking the elevator.

Cody and Aaron got in, as well as around 25 other people... they seemed to need to go to another floor as well.

Cody: ... Could they not have come in when they saw us BOTH?

Aaron: You kidding me? I'm not telling them to leave...

Cody realized only he could do that, so he waited for the doors to begin shutting, and Cody used his new powerful suit to push all 25 out of the Elevator before .5 seconds even hit.

Aaron: ... H-H-Holy shit. What did they add to your suit!?

Cody: A LOT of steroids...

Aaron: Heh... No kidding.

The door shut before they could reach the door again. The elevator went up to the proper floor they were going on eventually...

Aaron: You're lucky your fucking massive... no one else would have gotten away with that.

Cody: I grew up on a Ranching planet... they ain't taking me on.

Aaron: Yeah... I can tell you were a Rancher. Had to be pretty damn strong to live that life.

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