Chapter 1: Attack On Angrius Harbor

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The Imperial Navy decided that in order to stop ITO intervention that it would begin an Invasion of ITO Members's Colonial belongings, which would bring its number of planets higher. The Intergalatic Empire has approximately 20 Million worlds under it's control, and over 67 Million under its sphere of influence in G-2, G-3 and G-4. It had grown in strength with over 16 Quadrillion People, but a surprise was to be found... they had FAR less Industries and people than the United Planets, so they needed to invade their Colonial Possessions very quickly, or else face the wrath of the new Weapons systems they owned.

Cody: I see Transport Aircraft! They plan on trying to take the Harbor themselves!

Marine 1: Damn it! Line the halls! We are NOT letting this try hard bastards through!

The Colonial Infantry weren't as equipped as Cody or the main U.P. Force was, but they had quite a lot for a Colony.

???: Everyone get to the doors! We halt their advance once they get inside. Switch to Semi-Auto firing modes!

Cody grabbed his Shotgun out, and began loading it with malicious intent. He had been waiting for a moment like this.

Cody: I've been waiting to use this Shotgun...


Marines 1-8: HOO-RAH!

???: You're a Ranger? I see they saw your potential. I know that last name from somewhere... Judkins? Wait... Daliant was a- YOU'RE HIS SON!?

The Marines all looked at Cody as if he was literally Jesus.

Cody: I'm his son... I don't see why thats important.

???: Talk later... we need to put an end to this Attack! Command, turn on the Defenses!

Imperial Marines began flooding out of their transports in space, using welding kits to cut through walls.


The Main Marine looked to the sides and noticed.


Cody: Not a chance! Let's see what the new cybermuscles can do!

Cody ran to the wall, and held together a piece of Tungsten that was drilled off from coming off, which would take SERIOUS amounts of strength.

Cody: I... I did it. We're not getting boarded that easily.

???: Son of a bitch... you really are just like your dad.

Cody: You knew him?

The man took his helmet off, and a familiar face emerged.

Aaron: Yes, I did know him.

Cody: I-I can't say I know you.

Aaron: My father thought I died on the Battlefield so long ago... but in reality, I had gotten put into a coma. They pronounced me dead only because I didn't wake up in years... but when you were about 6 years old, I awoke again.

Cody: Cool story, didn't ask-

Marine 1: Aaron! We have more enemies inbound!

Aaron: Deal with them yourself... I have to get Daliant's kid to where he needs to go...

Marine 1: Understood, Seargent Major.

Cody: Hoe long have you served for?

Aaron: Around 30 Years... longer than you've been alive.

Cody: Yeah, you have the expierence... no wonder you're more hard-core.

Aaron: If you only saw your old man... you think I'M hard-core? You haven't seen ANYTHING kid.

Aaron looked up to Cody, and felt even shorter than normal.

Aaron: I swear, the younger generations just get taller and taller...

Cody: If it makes you any better, I was supposed to be 6 foot 10, but I kind of didn't reach that.

Aaron: Your mother is shorter than my sister, and my family aren't big people you know!

Cody: Yeah... Go figured. We should get to the Coilgun controls and find CIWS and Flak Batteries.

Aaron: Good Idea... I'll lead the way.

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