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Many months have passed and Prince Carlein is enjoying his stay on Trovi Kingdom.

He likes the people here, they are kind and hospital. There are also sights that are exceptionally beautiful.

He loves the place but there's this one person that he loves the most in this Kingdom, and that's no other than Prince Rozien.

He spent almost everyday with Prince Rozien. Making the other boy more closer to him.

But there are still a time where Prince Rozien is spending time with Karina. Carlein felt the urge to do something about it, to do something that will make Rozien and Karina apart. But he's not resorting to that idea, at least for now if things won't go according to his liking.

He's sticking to his other plan and that is making Rozien feel him, feel his love. Do things that will make Prince Rozien recognize his feelings for him. But the other Prince is still oblivious about it, and this is making his work more harder.

There is a sweet reward on every hard work, and that's what Prince Carlein is  holding onto. It's not new to him, doing all the hard work to get what he wants. His Dad taught them that even if they are Prince's, they can't get everything in just a snap of a finger.

It's just a matter of time before getting Rozien in his fingertips.


"Do you think Karina would like it?", holding a small flower bouquet that consists of pink peonies, Rozien asked Carlein about his opinion.

They are currently in the town market, when suddenly Rozien saw the beautiful pink peonies that caught his attention.

He thought about Karina, giggling while smelling the beautiful flowers. He's snapped out of his thoughts when an annoyed looking Prince named Carlein scoffed.

"I'm sure she would like it.", Carlein halfheartedly stated while rolling his eyes. "Did you invited me just to ask things about what things Karina would like?", Carlein asked, annoyance lacing in his voice.

They continued walking. People in the town market are very busy. Walking and buying here and there, carrying heavy stuffs.

Rozien shrugs, "No, I'm just asking you.", He put his hands on Carlein's face, checking out if he's sick. "Are you deprived of good sleep? It's like you're in a bad mood today.", Rozien teased Carlein.

Yes I'm deprived of sleep every night and that's because I'm thinking about you all the time.

"I just don't feel well today," Carlein lied. That makes Rozien more worried, "Should we go back? Do you want to rest?", he stopped walking and put the back of his right hand on Carlein's forehead to feel if he's hot, then he puts his palm on Carlein's cheek to check if it's hot too but Carlein's temperature is just fine.

He's going to take his hand away from Prince Carlein's cheek when Prince Carlein gripped his hand, not letting the contact go.

Rozien's lips parted, he's shocked. Carlein made an eye contact, making sure that he locked Rozien's eyes on him.

Rozien can see all Carlein's emotion in that time. Annoyance, sorrow, fear, adoration, and love. He's confused on why he could see his emotions. Are this emotions for him?

Carlein is hoping that the beautiful boy infront of him would see through his emotions. He's hoping that the boy he loves will realize all his emotions for him.

Good thing is that they are on the back of the town market, where trees and grass are on view.

Rozien felt his heart thumping. Ba-dum Ba-dum Ba-dum. It's beating so fast.

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