Chapter 44

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This chapter is extra long

Julianna pov:

Less then three hours and I'm going to be Mrs. Valentine.

Holy fuck.

Holy fuck.

"Mamaaaa where dada?" Reina asks.

"He's getting ready baby" I say back as Maeve does my hair.

"Where j-jade?" Reina asks Maeve.

"She's with her uncle Reggie" Maeve says as adds clips to my hair.

"Maeve your doing a wonderful job on her hair" Cassidy says in awe.

"Thanks babe" Maeve says with a smile.

"Hey who is walking you down the aisle Jules?" Vi asks making me go stiff.

"Oh my god, oh my god I don't have someone to walk me, usually the dad does" i panicking.

"Hey calm down J it's okay" Maeve says trying to calm me but I feel like I'm bout to have a full on panic attack.

"Mama?" I hear Reina's voice but still can't respond.

"I-I can't B-Breathe" I let out as I try to gasp for air.

"Hey hey count to ten with me okay?" Cassidy says.

I nod.

"1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10" I count with Cass.

"Deep breath in then out love" Maeve says.

I do what she says and finally fee myself a little calmer.

"Thank you" I sigh.

"It's okay and I'm sorry for making you panic" v says.

"No your fine" I say drinking some water.

"Hey everything going good in here?" Leo asks coming in.

"Yes just a small problem" V says getting up and giving him a kiss.


"And what's the problem?" Leo asks facing me.

"Leo can you do me a huge favor?" I ask walking towards him.

"Yea what's up?"

"Can you walk me down the aisle today?" I ask.

He smiles "of course and I'm honored"

I smile and hug him "thank you Leo".

" of course now I was just checking in because gio was nervous that you might be getting cold feet and not wanting to marry him" leo smirks.

"Well tell him he has nothing to worry about, because he will be seeing me walk down that aisle to him" I say and push him out the door so we finish getting ready.

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