Chapter 9

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Reggie pov:


She never asks to call Alejandro unless she is really pissed.

And her being that pissed is rare unless it has something to do with her parents.

I need to get Maeve. After I call Ale.

"Why are you calling me this late Reggie?" Alejandro says through the phone.

"You know why Ale" I sigh.

He sighs "she wants a fight?".

"Yes and she said make it weapons allowed" I say.

"Is she crazy? She's asking to get killed" Ale says worried.

"I know but Julianna is strong and she is pissed".

"Alright alright I'll sent it up" he groans.

"She is on her way by the way, maybe talk some sense into her" I say.

"I'll try, bye" he says then hangs up.

Okay now to go wake up Maeve.

As I walk up to her door and about to knock she opens it fast.

"Shit you scared me" I gasp.

"What's wrong? Something feels wrong , where's Julianna" she says worried.

Every time Julianna goes to fight it's like Maeve knows. 

She doesn't worry when she is out on a mission because well she top one for a reason.

But underground fighting has other skilled assassins and cruel mafias.

Yes again she is number one but there almost as skilled as her.

And she wants weapons?!

"She's going to The underground " I whisper.

"WHAT" Maeve yells.

Normally we wouldn't care if she goes fighting but she's reckless if her parents are involved.

That yell made all the other vipers come out.

"What's going on?" Red asks.


"Maeve went to Alejandro's" Maeve blurts out.

"Shit" Cassidy says.

"What the fuck why?" Red asks stupidly.


It seriously not a big deal Damn it Maeve.

"Stop panicking" Leo says to Maeve.


"Stop yelling before you wake up Mr. Valentine" Vi whispers.

"She's stupid she's gonna get killed" red rolls her eyes.

I give him a weird look.

"Aye shut your mouth just because your night was ruined don't mean you gotta be a bitch" Maeve snaps.

What happen?

"She's our boss Red , and she's done this before , she's top one assassin, she's done this basically her whole life, put some trust in her" Kimberly says.

"I agree, she taught us everything she knows or trained us in this we are good at which means she knows all that too so it isn't a big deal this is her way of letting out anger" Leo says.

Mr and Mrs Devil   *Not Edited*Where stories live. Discover now