Chapter 4

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Julianna pov:

Later that night

"Fuck" I moaned in his ear as he makes me ride him.

"Fuck Julianna" he groaned as I went faster.

The room is filled who panting,groaning and moans.

Our sweaty bodies sticking together as we pleasure the hell out of each other.

"Fuckkk right there Giovanni" I moaned louder has we both hit our release.

I jump up from my sleep sweating and panting.

Oh hell mother fucking NO!

I did not have a sex dream of Giovanni! I seriously need to get laid. FUCKKKK.

I get out of bed and look at the time.

It read FIVE AM IN THE MORNING. I'll never get back to sleep.

I take a cold ass shower and change into some leather pants with a cropped white shirt and a leather jacket and tie my hair up.

Let me check my phone before I head out.

20 instagram notifications

199 Snapchat notifications

6 new messages

1 missed call from RED

A call from red? Oh well I'll call him back later. Let me check the messages.

2 messages from MAEVE

1 message from DOUCHE BAG

1 message from BIRTH GIVER

2 messages from GIOVANNI

God I still can't believe I had a dream of me getting railed by him. GROSS. Why him out of everyone? Maybe it's a sign that I should of just killed him right then and there at that stupid meeting.

Let me respond I guess.


Bestie: hey tomorrow night a new club opens up let's go check it out?

Bestie: also Giovanni said answer his damn text before he blows your head off.

Me: yeah totally , and I will but he needs to shut up before I slit his throat and play with his blood 😏.

(End of there conversation)

Yeah I wouldn't actually play with in his nasty ass blood because he could have some sort of disease.


Ugly fucker: I think you and your team should move in , there's a whole floor just for you guys and I might have a plan.

Ugly fucker: You should know where I live if not have that hacker of yours find it , see you soon Love.

Me: first off ew don't call me love fucker secondly why would I know where you live asshat and thirdly fuck off.


Ugly fucker: that's not nice ms. Hernandez , and I don't know don't you stalk me or some shit? Anyway I want you moved in by next week.

Me: i don't care, and yeah whatever.

(End of convo)

Annoying ass anyways last two messages I'm not even gonna respond just look at.

From douche bag: I need to meet with you at the warehouse and you alone.

From birth giver: i need money bring it to the warehouse.

I roll my eyes and put my phone in my back pocket. I hate parents I never needed them anyway they never did anything for me besides give birth to me. And if they id ever go or even alone  they are sadly mistaken.

I head out the garage and hop on my baby and leave. I don't know where I'm going maybe to MY warehouse and look at some of the orders.

I never got anything handed down to me I built myself this reputation , my parents and I never got along in the first place ever since I turned nine , they started treating me like I was nothing but a mistake, a disappointment.

So at that age I took care of myself, taught my self school work since they wouldn't let go me go to school or hire a tutor , I taught myself to cook, to do everything by myself. Around the age of ten is when I met Maeve and since then we became Bestfriend's to this day and I couldn't ask for a better one, she was there when no one wasn't and what made us closer was that her parents kicked her out at the age of 13 and so did mine.

We stayed with my aunt tell 16 to were we can be emancipated, and that's when I decided I want to be an arms dealer, of course I knew nothing about it but I trained and trained to get where I am now to make something for myself to be powerful and feared , once I got everything in place I then asked Maeve to practically be my second in command. We made a living for our selfs, of course the part of us killing once and awhile had to take time for us to process our sixteen year old brains but a year after becoming official arms dealers and a the name getting out I decided to become an assassin of some sort, and then I looked for a crew and that's when we became the Vipers.

Anyways there's a little background story about me and Maeve. I'd go into further details but I finally made it to the warehouse.

I head in and turn in the lights and sigh "well Julianna you'd for sure made it in life not a normal one but one I wouldn't change for the world" I say to myself.

I open the computer to look at orders and make sure everything is in the crates with a paper of who and where and what time.

Wait a damn minute , somethings wrong more like someone's here.

I grab my gun from my waist band and silently walk towards the entrance.

"DONT SHOOT!" Maeve yells making me sigh.

"MAEVE! Don't sneak up on me like that" I chuckle a little.

"Sorry but when you texted back this early I knew you'd be here , every time you have , you know a nightmare or a dream or can't sleep you ride your bike to here" she smiles softly.

"You know me so well because you know damn well if I got good sleep I'd be sleeping tell noon" I smile.

"What's wrong this time?" She asks.

"Oh you know a dream it wasn't bad but it wasn't good? God I should think it's terrible but it left me flustered and horny" I chuckle.

"Oh my god a WET DREAM!! With who? Leo? Oh god don't tell me it was with red" she fakes barf.

"Gross no , Leo and I never even had that kind of connection and as for red he is and isn't my type, his personality yes but looks no, no offense he is cute but not for me, and the person may have been someone I want to kill so badly and we just signed an alliance with them" I say looking away pretending I'm cleaning the hand guns.

"HOLY SHIT YOU HAD A SEXY HOT DREAM WITH GIOVANNI!" She was for sure jaw dropped.

Oh god I'm never gonna hear the end of it.

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