Chapters 25-27

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Chapter 25

As I release the arrow, it seems to move in slow motion, towards the centre of the target. I rips through the bullseye, coming out the other side of the target and stopping in the tree behind, nearly killing a tree nymph. The nymph pulls out the arrow angrily and throws it away, the tree healing instantly with her touch.

"Sorry," I say weakly.

She ignores me and disappears.

"I can see that you don't need any help with archery." Aera states.

"I guess," I reply.


Aera throws new challenges at me, like climbing, dodging, cooking and building shelter. We spend an hour on each activity, and I improve a little at each task, archery being by far my best.

At about four o'clock in the afternoon, Aera dumps a bundle of supplies at my feet; a bunch of logs, a small knife and an unbuilt tent.

"Survival skills." he says. "Normally, you won't have the wood pre-supplied, but I don't want to kill any tree nymphs. Basically, you and I are going to be camping out here by ourselves until tomorrow morning."

My heart leaps. Some alone time with Aera!

We begin to set up the tent, laughing when it keeps falling on top of me. Aera has been serious all day, but he seems more relaxed now.

When we have finished setting it up, it is about five o'clock, my clumsiness set us back. We temporarily forget our survival objective and go to the Dining Pavilion for dinner. Tonight, I offer  a part of my meal to Aphrodite, in hopes that I will not be clumsy and awkward in front of Aera.

We eat our dinner, then head out to where the river meets the forest, where we have set up camp.

We sit on the river bank, our stomachs full from the amazing dinner.

The river streams along, little ripples in the water created by protruding rocks. The sound is peaceful and calming. The sky is darkening.

There is an awkward silence between us, and I am praying that my offer to Aphrodite wasn't in vain. It feels weird, having the god of love falling in love with you. It's like eating the god of gingerbread or listening to the god of music, if you get what I'm saying.

Aera gestures for me to sit closer to him, and I do, sitting as close to him as I can and I rest my head on his chest, feeling relaxed and calm. 

"You know, when we go on our quest, we won't get to relax like this all the time. It's pretty tough." He says after a while.

"I can handle it. I don't want to be left without you."

He hesitates to say his next words and tenses up slightly, but I perceive his look and answer for him.

"Don't worry," I say. "I'm not going to be like Bella Swan from Twilight. I'm not going to be all like "I can't live without you!" and commit suicide. I've only just met you."

"Good," he replies, his body relaxing.. "I was getting seriously worried for a second."

Chapter 26

Candles flicker and the lights from cabins glimmer from the other side of the river at Camp Half Blood. It is pitch-black. I couldn't imagine a more romantic location for me to be with Aera.

He peers at me from the tent flap, as he had said he was going to get something. 

"Are you coming back out?" I whisper-shout.

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