Secrets in Paradise

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After arriving on Naboo, Padmé and Anakin attended a meeting with the officials of Naboo, which ended in them going to the lake country, seeing how there are places that are very isolated there. Sometime later when they arrived they had been informed that Imperious had already settled in, much to their surprise. "How did he know we would be here?" Padmé questioned. "My guess is as good as yours." Anakin and Padmé continued walking around and conversing, not knowing that Imperious was nearby listening in. Overhearing them talk about their home planets, what they liked and hated about each other's homes. But what really caught the former Sith's attention, was the fact that Anakin was flirting heavily with Padmé. And the two then kissed.


The two separated at hearing his voice. "Please, don't stop on my account." He said with a smirk. "No. I shouldn't have done that." Padmé stated as she looked away embarrassed. "Excuse me." The Senator said as she walked away. Imperious then walked over to where Anakin was. "Imperious, what you saw-" "I know what I saw. I saw a young man, giving into his desires and feelings for the woman he likes and there is nothing wrong with those feelings, except when that young man is an aspiring Jedi. Ultimately, its none of my business. But don't worry, your secrets safe with me." Anakin's eyes widen at these words. Just as Imperious was about to leave Anakin stopped him. "If it's all right with you, do you think we could train?"

Imperious was surprised by this. "You wish to spar with me?" The former Sith Lord asked as the young Padawan nodded. "Very well. But I hope you know that I won't go easy on you." With this Imperious and Anakin went to a nearby field where they could spar freely.

Igniting their lightsabers, Anakin's a vibrant blue. Imperious's, a deep crimson as a strange howling sound could be heard. "Ready?" Imperious asked as Anakin got in his stance. "Show me what you got, old man." Anakin teased. Then suddenly a burst of red lighting flew towards Anakin who managed to dodge last second. "What was that?" Anakin asked as another burst of red lightning was shot at him, using his lightsaber to block the attack. "Better stay focused, because one single mistake could be your last." Imperious said as he dashed forward, reappearing in front of him with his lightsaber raised high. Blocking the incoming attacks, Anakin was struggling to keep up.

Imperious's movements were hard to read, switching between different lightsaber styles. When Anakin was about to attack and was prepared for a lightsaber lock, to his surprise, Imperious deactivated his lightsaber and dodged out of the way, positioning himself behind Anakin and hitting him with a force push, knocking Anakin to the ground. When Anakin turned around, he saw Imperious's red blade, pointed at his face. "I win." Imperious said as he deactivated his lightsaber. "You deactivated your lightsaber during a fight? Who does that?!"

"Expect the unexpected. Always keep your opponent guessing as to what you might do next. Never give them an opening. Control the battle. That is how you win." Imperious said as he offered Anakin a hand. Taking it, Anakin stood up dusting himself off. "Now for a different session." Imperious said as Anakin looked at him confused. "This time, more up close and personal." Imperious spoke as he tapped on his gauntlet and the top portion of his armor slowly vanished, revealing his grayish blue and white patterned skin. But what surprised Anakin the most, was how built Imperious was. Having nice broad shoulders, well defined muscles. Anakin turned away with an intense blush on his cheeks. "A-And what kind of training would that be?" Anakin asked, trying not to be a flustered mess.

"Hand-to-hand combat." Anakin let out a sigh as Imperious tossed his lightsaber aside, with Anakin following suit. Getting into a fight stance, the two men braced themselves for the fight. Circling around each other, waiting for the other to attack first. Then Anakin rushed in, throwing an array of punches, all while Imperious blocked each attack, dodging each swing, countering every blow. Then imperious dropped to the ground quickly sweeping Anakin's feet, but he didn't hit the ground, for Imperious was holding him off the ground by his robes.

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