Red Sand

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Interesting developments had occurred on both sides. Obi-Wan, and the Hellbat crew had found Jango Fett, and planned to bring him in for questioning, when he and his son Boba, escaped after fighting against Obi-Wan and Jak.

Obi-Wan and the Hellbat crew followed them all the way to Geonosis.

As for Imperious, Anakin and Padmé. Like Imperious promised, Anakin's training had become more intense. Meanwhile Anakin was having vivid nightmares about his mother. Which both Imperious and Padmé encouraged him to investigate. Their journey led to Tatooine, where they met Watto, a Toydarian junk dealer and Anakin's former slave owner.

From Watto, they found out that Shmi, Anakin's mother, was sold to a farmer named Lars where she was freed and later married him. They traveled to Lars' farm.

That's when Imperious received a Holo-transmission from Jak.

"Report." Imperious said sternly.

"Master. We have followed the Bounty Hunter Jango Fett to Geonosis. There's heavy concentration of Federation ships here."

"Proceed with caution. The Geonosians are quite hostile. Contact me if there's any trouble." Imperious cautioned before closing the transmission.

Anakin and Padmé were waiting for Imperious when the former Sith sensed a disturbance. "You two go on ahead. This is a family matter. I will wait."

"Are you sure?" Padmé asked and Imperious nodded. The two went inside. Imperious then closed his eyes and began to meditate until he sensed what he was searching for, a weak cry of a woman.

He took out a device from his pocket, which transformed into a highly advanced speeder bike. Imperious then drove out into the desert wasteland of Tatooine. And just as the sun was setting, he arrived at a cliffside that overlooked a Tusken Raider camp. He jumped down and walked towards the entrance of the camp.

The Tusken Raiders saw him and readied their weapons. But when Imperious's howling lightsaber echoed throughout the desert, the Raiders backed down. He strolled into their camp until he reached a specific tent. Inside, he found a badly bruised and tied up Shmi Skywalker. He set her free. She was fading in and out of consciousness. "Rest now. You are safe. Ani sent me."


Imperious closed his eyes and placed a hand on her chest. Channeling the force from his body to hers, her wounds began to heal, and her pain ceased. He then carried her out of the camp, not before turning to the Tusken Raiders and speaking Tusken. Warning them to never hurt her or her family ever again.

He then left, placing her on his speeder bike and riding back to Lars' farm, arriving just before sunrise.

Anakin was outside waiting for his return. When he saw Imperious approaching, he rushed over as the bike came to a halt. Imperious got off and carried Shmi inside with Anakin on his heels. The entire family was awake. "She's alive. Weak, but alive. I've done all I can to help her with her wounds. She'll need plenty of rest and water."

"Thank you, Lord. How ever can we ever repay you?" Cliegg Lars asked. Imperious simply shook his head.

"No need to thank me. Just consider me a friend of the family."

"After this? Without a question." Cliegg replied.

"What of the Tuskens? Did you make them pay?" Anakin asked. Rage and hate laced in his words.

"Let's just say they won't bother your mother or any of you ever again." Imperious said firmly as he could faintly hear that mechanical breathing in the back of his mind.

Anakin walked off while Owen, Anakin's stepbrother, carried Shmi to her bed to rest.

Imperious followed after Anakin.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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