The darkness rises.

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The sorcerer laughs. He creates a dark beam that goes into the sky. The king asks hes servant where the hell he's scout is. No one heard from him. The guards of the castle notices the beam. One of the guards goes immediately to the throne room. He shouts "KING, WE...WE SAW A DARK BEAM OUTSIDE AND WE DONT KNOW WHAT WE NEED TO DO". The king realizes that the note was a trap and says "I believe the sorcerer we once locked up, is free." Everyone started to be scared. No one ever knew that the darkness would be back. The dark times were the worst times. Its the time the orcs turned against the humans and allianced with the dark gods. The dark gods used to send demons to capture the humans and torture them. They didn't know what mercy was. The king stands up and commands to two knights "go and make sure the shields are up...its the only technology we accepted and we damn right need it now". The guards run down the hall. There suddenly a lot of noise. The king goes to the window to see what's outside. The folk of the village has gathered. No one understands a word they are saying, its pure chaos. "why are the guards not keeping them in order?" ask the king. One of the servants, a girl with beautiful blond hair and blue eyes, says "Ehm sire, you must forgive me but the guards you send out for that shield, well they were the ones from the gates and they were the only ones to keep the crowd in order." The king asks her "what is your name young one?".
The girl seems to be shy but answers "My name is Elisabeth sir". The King smiles: "Well Elisabeth, dont we have other guards?" He notices that Elisabeth is getting uncomfortable. "I....Im sorry, its not your fault". Suddenly a  beam came out of the center of the village and a blue like wall came out surrounding the village. The shields seem te be active. The dark beam that they saw dissapeared, but the sky is dark. The clouds are filled with dark magic. The dark times are back and everyone knew that.  The king hopes the prophecy isn't true. Even he's sons are in danger now.
Want to know more about the prophecy? It will be explained in the next chapter "the prophecy"

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