Chapter 2: the release

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After being escorted out, Sythical had decided to sit down and wait for further instructions. As he was sitting,  he could hear the general inside the armory.

"Now that you all have your weapons, it's only fair to say, this was still a part of the test. And only one has failed. Some of you may know him, others may not. Now we must have the ceremony of release."

Sythical perked up after hearing that past part. He has never seen one or heard of one for that matter. But he knew it was being of him.

_____5 minutes later _____

Two guards escorted Sythical to a platform, surrounded by the other protogens. Nothing had been taken from him, only his pride. The platform was set up at the edge of the floating space rock they called home. Once Sythical was at the edge being held in place by two guards, the small whispers were hushed.

"Some of you may know this man, others may not. But we are gathered here today to make the first release of our colony. Sythical was a hard worker and brilliant friend to many, but today, we have to banish him" that is what the "mayor" said. Not long after, the whispers came back, but this time... this time it was getting louder.

Someone shouted "THIS ISN'T RIGHT!"

A group of different protogen all shouted in different languages "Si!" And "Yeah!"

The mayor hushed the croud once more. "I am aware that you may not agree with this, but Sythical has failed the final part of the test. So now we must banish him to the void of space."

The crowd began yelling in a fury. In the midst of the chaos, a lone protogen made his way to the stage.

"Attention!" Said the protogen, "We may not all agree, but this is the rules! I understand it's hard for you guys. But I'm not willing to be thrown out either!"

Sythical looked up for the first time. It was someone he knew that had taken the stage. He wasn't sure of the name, but he knew he remembered helping this person before. The protogen turns around and walks towards Sythical. He stops in front of him and the guards let go of Sythical.

They look each other in the eyes of their visors and the unknown protogen just says "nothing personal..."

Sythical, confused, barely manages a partially audible "what?" Before getting kicked in the stomach and forced into the void of space.

Sythical remained floating backwards as the island slowly drifted away. He thought back as to what happened while he was there. The training for war, being tasked to help three random strangers, and selecting his weapon. He still had the katana handle in his bag, unsure of what to do with it...

Back at the island, the crowd had slowly started to dissipate. Everyone returned to their home and went back to their regular lives. As the last people turned away, a bright white light appeared behind them. Could it have been Sythical? Some turned back and saw nothing was there. Not even the faint image of a tiny Sythical floating in space. He was gone.


Ok... hold up... there are reads on my book... how did you guys find this so quickly! Thank you so much for reading!!! Feel free to give any feedback that you want! You say fuck you? I say that I'm trying my best! Enjoy the book!

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