Sneaking Away

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The day continued on as normal, Monty preforming shows with the band then watching over gator golf. You walked around till it was almost closing time.

You met up with monty and he took you to his room.

Monty:so where would you take me?

You shrug and looked at him.

Y/n:we could go to my place?

He slightly blushed.

Monty:sure. It would be a good break for this week

You thought then perked up.

Y/n: I could keep you for the weekend!

You smile and he looks at you.

Monty:hon, I'm not a class pet but.. I do like that idea

He smiles and kisses you.

Monty:will I even fit in your car?

You shrug.

Y/n: we might have to detach your head

Monty holds his neck as if you were serious.

Y/n:hey I'm only kidding. And I said might

You laughed and waited with monty for the next 30 minutes or so.
The time finally came and you made sure to be sneaky. Once down in the tunnels, it didn't matter too much besides a couple bots but monty took care of them. You look at the door and look through your keys, finally finding one and unlocking the door to the crisp night atmosphere. You shiver and Monty just stares.

Y/n: well come on, don't just stand there

He seemed nervous but took a step out. Then another. And another till he was fully outside. He looked around, still curious about the new sights surrounding him.

Y/n: come on big guy

You gently place a hand to his cold metal chest. He follows you to the car and to your surprise, he fit. His hair fell down but he just barely fit.



He shook his head as you started the car.

Monty:no. You're just crazy. I like it

You smile and drive home with a big ass gator in your car.
You park once you arrive and step out. Monty follows you and ducks down when stepping into your little home. It's not too small and it's cozy. He likes it and his tail slightly thumps.

Y/n: you alright? You've been pretty quiet today

He turns his attention toward you.

Monty:just had this on my mind all day is all. I'm alright, Cher

You smile and point to the kitchen.

Y/n: would you like to help me make tacos?

He nods and smiles back at you.

Monty:sounds fun

You finish eating as monty cleans up the kitchen the best he can. You clean your dish and kiss him on the nose.

Monty:what's that for?

You shrug.

Y/n: I just love you Monty

He blushes and nods.

Monty:speaking of, I think it's time for my girlfriend and I to get some rest,

You smile and he picks you up, heading to the bedroom but gets lost so you direct him to which room.

He lays down with you in his arms, holding you close and not letting go.
His tail wrapped around you and he relaxes. You look at him to kiss his nose but he stops you. He kisses you on the lips and seems sleepy.

Monty:I charged before we left so I'll be okay for a while. You get some rest, I'll figure out a way to charge tomorrow

You nod and cuddle with him. Even for a robot, he's warm and so.. alive. You fall asleep in his arms, listening to the soft thumps of his tail on the bed.

((Cute chapter for now :) I like it. Don't worry, I still do some smut. I'm just building the story a little

623 words

An Alligator's Bellow ( Monty Gator X female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now