Fresh start

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You wake up to the sound of your alarm and quickly turn it off. You get ready for the day and check your phone, seeing an email.

"Dear ms. l/n,
  It is with humble honor that we welcome you to the Fazbear Entertainment family. We do wish for you to be part of the team."

That was all you needed to read to be completely baffled by the idea. Monty wasn't kidding. He really did get you a job. Weird.
You put on something a little more formal but still comfy and headed to the Plex. You checked your watch, the time read 12:04. You entered through the large doors, once again greeted but the sounds and colors.

You sighed and relaxed a bit while walking through the main area of the building. A younger worker stopped you, a girl maybe around 19 or so.

Y/n: hello?. Could I help you by chance?

You mistook her for some teen, needing directions or something. She smiled and took your hand, shaking it with a slightly firm grasp.

Alice: You must be Y/n, I heard you'd be coming in today. I'm Alice, I'm gonna be helping you

You were surprised at how hyper she seemed to be. You agreed and let go of her hand.
An hour or two went by and you were allowed to stop and grab a quick snack. You paid for a small drink and nachos. Since you didn't have much to do, you watched the show that the animatronics were performing at the time. You leaned on the railing near El Chips and continued eating.
(We're in the green area, looking at the stage) \/\/\/

Once you finished your food, you headed down and finished up with your training

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Once you finished your food, you headed down and finished up with your training. You were free for the rest of the day so you went to look for Monty.
You tried walking through the party tables but accidentally ran face first into a tall bear.

Freddy:Oh! I'm so sorry, I did not mean to hurt you in any way. Are you alright?

You looked at him and nodded. He had a concerned look on his face. This was the main animatronic of the Plex. He was so polite for a robot with so much status.

Y/n: No it's alright, it's my fault I wasn't paying attention. I'm okay though.

He sighed, relieved and he smiled at you. He had recognized your face.

Freddy: you are Monty's friend, yes?

You nod and tilt your head confused on how he knows.

Y/n: I mean I was hanging out with him yesterday. Does he talk about me or something

Freddy gave you comforting smile, trying not to worry you.

Freddy:Sorry if that came off wrong, he told us about you. That is all, miss. I could take you to him if you'd like?

You agree, eagerly wanting to see that gator again.
Freddy begins walking and you follow behind him. He's still a big animatronic but monty still seemed taller to you. Did they do that on purpose?
You were thinking to yourself when you almost bumped into the back of Freddy. He hands you a badge and you look at it for a moment. It's a staff badge.

Freddy: you'll have to enter the gift shop and go through the side door. Since you are staff, it shouldn't be a problem. Once through there, you should have access to the catwalks.

((Not the way to get to them in the game, I'm just making story here-)

You thank him and do as you were told to, you didn't notice how lively everything looked till now. Once on the catwalks, you try spotting the alligator but he had other plans. He came up behind you and you almost screamed, caught off guard by the situation. He laughed and kissed your hand.

Monty:Welcome Back, Cher'

Your face flashes red and he notices. You smiles and looks into your eyes.

Monty:Did you need somethin'?

You shake your head and nervously laugh a little.

Y/n: just wanted to see you. Um.. I got an email, I see you actually did "put in a good word" for me

He slightly blushes and is a little surprised.

Monty:They just gave you the job cause I said so? Huh. I thought I'd be more complicated

You roll your eyes.

Y/n: the training was a pain in the ass but not too bad.

He chuckles and looks over the catwalks. You join him, watching the kids running around and playing.

Monty:So. You said you wanted to see me. I've been on your mind?

He teased and you blushed brightly.

Y/n: oh shush. You're one to talk. Talking about me with the others

He blushed and looked away. You smile at his reaction.

Monty:. You're off for the day, right?

You nod and you make eye contact, realizing he's been looking at you.

Monty:would ya' be interested in hangin' out with me 'n' the others, tonight?

You thought for a moment. It was a good way to meet everyone. You might be able to convince one of the night guards into letting you take their shift. They definitely need a break.

Y/n: I would love too

((Sorry for the little wait, it's a longer chapter than the second one and slightly longer than the first.
901 words

An Alligator's Bellow ( Monty Gator X female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now