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Chapter 2
Photograph : Cakes and Biscuits

   It was a peaceful morning with Cale under the blankets, comfortably in his dreamland as he cherishes the slumber he had never gotten for the past month. Sigh, sometimes, he wishes that he just took another job.

Gosh, isn't today such a nice rest?


  Ah, he takes it back.

  With how rapid the footsteps was getting, Cale slipped under the bed more and pulled over the covers, completely covering himself.

  He didn't want to go, he had finally decided to take a day off, why was she coming over again!?

  And just like that, a body jumped over his as he chokes from the impact. Pulling the blanket away slightly, leaving his eyes out in the bright open, he frowns: "Why are you here?—Also, please refrain from calling me that. Last time you said that, Pen almost gave me a heart attack by giving me bitter tea, ugh."

     His relationship with Rosalyn's fourth sibling, Pen, wasn't really that good. No, the both of them hated each others guts to the point one tries to hinder with the other's dislikes and for the other to practically show his disgust openly.

Making them as a duo is certainly not a good idea.

    "Whatever-, get up! Chop chop, go get ready, we only have little time!" Rosalyn practically took the covers off of him revealing his shirtless toned body.

Cale grabbed back the covers in a hast manner as he frantically stared in horror at the red headed woman and anxiously yells, "Yah! What was that for!?"

Rosalyn tilts his head, "What? What's wrong? I am just trying to get you off of your bed before we get lost out of the fun!"

   Cale grumbles silently as he puffs his cheeks, with a glower, he pouts and turns away from the woman who still had question marks beside her head, 'Seriously- did she, does she even have shame!? Pulling a half-naked man's comforts, aishhh...'

  "So? Just go and have fun without me!" The younger red head huffs, but slid out of the bed as he put on a grey robe that was on his desk which was beside the bed.

   Rosalyn still didn't get it but then she noticed his current situation, she gapes in realisation - her expression truly looked like a fish. Rosalyn put a hand over her mouth and tried to stifle her laugh, "O-oh, I,, I am sorry- pfft!"

    To be honest, Rosalyn wasn't affected. She had seen things with her peers in the company she works at, it wasn't much of a big deal because it was part of the contract. There's also some- ahem, fruity things they they did.

Cale said nothing more but got in the bathroom and so, the person left in his room was just Rosalyn who was humming leisurely.

   "He's pretty organised..." Rosalyn mutters as she looks around the room.

      Rosalyn had never seen Cale's personally, she didn't had an idea where it lays - even for the last seven years of barging in. Never once had she seen his room, he was always in the guest room or in another room which was his mini office.

It was quite extravagantly designed however it had a sad and gloomy atmosphere surrounding it.

    She snorts as she eyes a picture in the corner of the room, "Ah, expected of such apathetic personality. You can't really help but notice some things right away."

    She sighs and left it at that. Being ignorant was bliss, especially when you do not want to know the hidden messages of everything. Rosalyn had seen that familiar face before but she digress, it was non of her business.

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