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Chapter 11
Photograph : Abhorred Raspberry

      A dark-haired man with an uninteresting face leans onto his office door, onyx gray swirls with irritation as he sighs helplessly.

The man walked towards the silent redhead with no care in the world and slump himself on the redhead's couch or as what he calls, office bed.

"...what are you doing here?"

A sound came from the photographer as his hand slightly dropped the pen on his hand.

Choi Han could only stare at his ex-lover and rolled his eyes, "I came here because I knew there was something wrong about the way you were suddenly online, in the dusk of 2, by the way."

"How do you even know my status in media!?" The redhead gapes at the information as he soaked it all in, he pursed his lips in contemplation and gazed at the other with confusion.

"You dumbass, you didn't bother unfriending me on your social media." Choi Han bluntly stated, showing his screen which proved evidence.

It made Cale more aware of his surroundings that he flinched. Well, that's true. If anything, after they parted from that argument, Cale just never bothered with anything close to attachments nor connections.

Perhaps it's just his nature to avoid everything until they fade in his memories enough to not remember it.

Sigh. It seems he is not that different compared to his father, and it makes Cale feel the obvious signs of his blood ingrained in his body.

"You're thinking of something dumb again." Choi Han points out.

The red-headed photographer closed his eyes and heaved out a breath through his nostrils, his thoughts filled with questions yet he still responded with the same old indifference; "That does not concern you."

"Oh?" Choi Han frowned, "And so? What's so wrong about being-"

"It also doesn't explain the matter of why're you here." Cale cuts him off sharply, his tone was stern but mostly because of agitated confusion. "You know I don't have much tolerance when you're near."

--And hell, did Choi Han knew it all too well on what this is about. However still, the black-haired man could only sigh tiredly, not even having the energy to rally the other. It had always been like this, twisting and burning every bridge to come across one another, up and downs like a moving pattern. Choi Han had been tired of those seesaw like relationship that had stemmed from their ridiculous rivalry.

"I was sent here by request from a friend, you bastard." The man spat, his teeth grit against each other as he held in his irritation. His eyes gazed at the other with silent animosity, "I'm doing this because I have to repay his favour, not for you."

Kim Roksu was not one to joke around after all. Even though Choi Han had not told the other of his relationship with Cale Henituse, the younger man knew about his silent dislike for the redhead but never pointed out.

And even if it was kind of weird how that young man would approach him with a concern for a man he just a met a few weeks ago— Choi Han reluctantly did as told and convinced himself that it was just him being the kind person he is.

"Was it Rok Soo?" The man across asks.

Choi Han frowns at the lack of honorifics and felt something ugly simmering underneath his skin, one thing for sure in Choi Han's handbook, Cale never likes being disrespected and that he usually does mind people with toying his name. "Yes..." he was silent for a few seconds before he opted to talk, "...—you seem to call each other—close—for people who had met once."

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