Chapter Three

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*The picture above is what the their house is supposed to look like*

The drive was shorter than I expected, I sat in the back seat awkwardly as Ashley and CC asked me simple questions such as, "Where are you from?" "why were you sleeping under a telephone box?" But I didn't answer, I didn't want them to know anything because I didn't want to bring anymore attention to myself than I already have.

CC pulled up to an iron gate. He rolled his window down and typed in a code, the gate opened and he continued to drive down the lengthy driveway. As we pulled up, a gigantic house came into view. He parked behind four other cars, which made me wonder how many people lived in the home.

As Ashley opened the front door, something had ran out. "Mokus!" Ashley smiled and cradled the fury animal. "This is Mokus, our cat" I got out of the car and patted the grey creatures head. Ashley lead me inside, where two other men were sitting on the couch. They both had similar hairstyles: long and dark.

"Jake, Jinxx, this is Alexandria" They both smiled and waved. the shorter man who had slightly longer hair and brown eyes introduced himself as Jake, and the taller man who had shorter hair and blue eyes introduced himself as Jeremy, but he told me to call him Jinxx.

CC entered with my guitar case in his hand, he set it down next to me. I looked around the spacious living quarters and the imaculate detail in the house. You tell that only men lived in the house because there was not a single flower pot anywhere, besides a tree that stood in the corner. 

"Where's Andy?" Ashley asked, leaning on the back of the couch. "He's in one of his moods" Jake rolled his eyes. "No I'm not!" A deep voice sternly echoed from the stairs that were built into the back left corner. "Oh, and that's Andy" CC nudged me and gestured to the tall figure walking down the curved stair way. As he came around the corner, we made eye contact, he stopped dead in his tracks.

He looked at me as if he had seen a ghost, and I probably had the same expression on my face. It couldn't be, there's no way. I said to myself as I examined the man's defined features. Those eyes... I would know those eyes anywhere.

"What? You two know each other or something?" CC switched glances between Andy and me. I quickly broke eye contact. "No" Andy said in a low voice and walked into the kitchen with his head down and his hands shoved in his pockets. 

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