Chapter 5- The Plot Thickens

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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Okay guys. Sorry it's taken so long, but here's CHAPTER 5!!! WOOO!!! Some weird, mumbo-jumbo stuff going on. And why. Just, why? Why does he have a magic wand?! It looks ridiculous!!! Heh heh. There's significance there, though. Enjoy!!! Oh, and this chapter is dedicated to themaddielps, one of my best friends awesome opera singer. :-) -RunicWarrior 898 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The man we know as Mr. Kurt leads us down the completely normal school hallway. Classes, unaffected by the announcement, go on completely normally. Ms. Andrea's still yelling at someone (presumably Dalton). Mr. Tomas is still droning on and on about rocks. (He's the science teacher) And Jacob Winfield is standing outside Mr. Canta's Health class, presumably sent out for disruptive behavior. As we pass each classroom, no one glances at us. No bored kids gawking at us, this strange mix of people. Even Jacob doesn't look up as we pass. But that may just be because he thinks he's too cool for everyone. We reach the atrium, a giant hall that marks the boundary between the middle school and the connected elementary school. We take a right, heading towards the gym, nurse's office, and art room. I'm puzzled. Are we taking an art test? Physical fitness? Health?! I look back at our little ragtag group. Alice and Chris are following right behind me, Emma and Skyler whispering to each other a little farther back. Buck and Will are supporting Link down the hall at the back of the group. Sam and Matt catch my eye. I know the twins well, almost four times a week I go over and hang out with them until mom gets off work. They live in an apartment right behind the school, in the base housing. Both of them are my friends, so why is Matt glaring at me? When I look at Sam, he looks away, face bright red in embarrassment, it looks like. Strange. I try looking at Matt. Same reaction, only his face barely colors and he looks angry. I try to send him a message with my eyes, Why?. He ignores me, staring resolutely ahead. Alice, wondering what I'm looking at, gets in my line of sight. She makes a stupid face and sticks her tongue out at me. I roll my eyes and turn around. It's a good thing I did too. Mr. Kurt had turned right again, heading for the nurse's office. There's a short hallway here, with bathrooms and the nurse's office. The doors I tried to open during my mad dash through the courtyard are right in front of us. Mr. Kurt stops and turns to us.

"Is there anyone else around?" he asks, furtively glancing around.

"No...." Emma answers hesitantly.

"Good." Mr. Kurt places his case on a chair set outside the nurses office for waiting kids. Pausing dramatically, he clicks open both latches and lifts the top. Inside, padded in foam, is.... a magician's wand. Really? All that protection for a stupid black and white stick? Granted, it does look old and handcrafted. The white ends look like carved ivory, with strange swirls etched on it. The black appears to be some kind of dark, almost black wood. Ebony, maybe? Still. It looks ridiculous in Mr. Kurt's hands. He picks it up almost reverently.

"Now, children. You must not breathe a word of this to anyone." he says seriously. I glance at Buck, who's as puzzled as I am.

"Uh... okay." I say. "What are you going to do?"

"This." With that, he takes the wand and swings it in big circles above his head. I count 7. He then stabs it straight up in the air and says, "Elbisivni!" Sounds like jibberish. Calmly, like nothing TOTALLY RIDICULOUS just happened, he puts the wand back in the case, snaps it shut and straightens up.

"Come along, now. We don't have much more time left." he says.

"Seriously?! What was that?! What exactly did that accomplish? It looked ridiculous!" I blurt out. He stops and turns around slowly.

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