Chapter 1- A Promise of Revenge

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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Okay, whoever's reading this, this is my first time publishing something and it's hard for me to go through with it. I hate having people read my work, it makes me really nervous as to what people might think. But I have to just to man up and do it! So here goes. Please enjoy my "little" fantasy I've had going for quite a while now! Feel free to leave any comments or vote! -RunicWarrior898                                                                                            ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

All the madness started when I entered the school's "American Idol"-type talent show. I'm not exactly the bravest person ever, but it was my 8th grade year, so why not go out with a bang? It took a lot of guts for me to try out. My best friend Meagan is way better than me. I planned on entering with "We Are Young" by Fun. Meagan was going with an opera piece from Phantom of the Opera, "Think of Me". Personally, I thought I had no chance. Until I learned that pretty much everyone is accepted into the show. The teacher in charge of it, Mr. Francis, seemed really bored with the whole thing when we went to try out, calling everyone in almost apathetically. 

"Next." he called. Meagan was up next. 

"Good luck!" I said to her. She gave me a nervous smile and walked through the door to the classroom tryouts were being held in. Mr. Francis shut the door behind her. I took a deep breath and silently practiced the song in my head. 

Ten minutes later, we were heading home. 

"So how'd you do, Ryan?" Meagan asked me. 

"I think I did okay. How'd your opera peice go?" I asked back.

"I hope I did okay. Some of those high notes are really hard to hit!" she replied. We continued like that, just chatting back and forth, as we walked towards the lobby doors. As we reached the lobby, I heard a hated voice. 

"So the nerd's going to sing in the talent show, is he?" it drawled. I rolled my eyes and turned to face the source of the voice. Ugh. Link Burgard. 5' 8", with spiky brown hair, dark brown eyes, and a stupid, cocky grin. He and I have a sort of rivalry between us, for reasons known only to him. 

"What do you want, Link?" I ask coldly. 

"Oh, nothing. Just looking out for my friend." Heavy sarcasm on the last word. 

"Since when am I your friend?" I say.

"You're not. I'd never be friends with someone so stupid as you." he says. Okay, so maybe I hate him a little too. 

"Stupid? Me? You must be living in your own head, Link. I've scored better than you on every test since grade school!" I retort. It's true. Link's not stupid, but he could care less about schoolwork. Last I heard, he was barely holding onto a low C in all classes.

"Yeah, Link, you're just jealous of him!" Meagan pipes up. Strange for shy Meagan. Which is even stranger because she's so tall. At an even 6', with waist-length brown hair, Meagan looks like someone not to mess with.  

"Jealous? Of this little punk? Never in a million years! He thinks he's got it all. So perfect. But one of these days, everyone will realize what you really are." he taunts.

"What I really am? I don't recall being someone else!" I feign surprise. 

"Oh, shut it. You hold everyone at a distance, and sooner or later they'll realize that and abandon you." he says, sneering. 

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