Chapter 3- The Calling

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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Here is the REAL chapter 3. After so many miscommunications between my phone and the computer, here it is. See what goes down in the principal's office, and meet a mysterious man.  -RunicWarrior898             -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"What on earth were you thinking?!" Mr. Holtjoy was hopping mad. He's up and pacing around his office, waving his arms around for emphasis. This has been going on for at least five minutes, with me zoned out for at least one. The bell signaling the end of lunch had come and gone. "Do you have any idea how dangerous that was? Do you even care that you could have been seriously injured?" he shouts.

"Yes, but-" I begin

"No buts. This was a dangerous stunt you pulled, Mr. Rook. I cannot sinmply overlook it!" he interrupts.

"Well I wouldn't have had to do it if this bozo over here hadn't've been chasing me!" I jerk my thumb over my shoulder at Link, who is propped up in the corner of the office. 

"I understand that, but why did you jump into a tree? You could've found a teacher or gone inside!" he says. 

"I know that, but the doors to the school weren't open yet! How was I supposed to get in? I tried the doors near the nurse's office, but they weren't open." I say. He sighs.

"Oh, Ryan. How am I going to punish you? You've never done anything like this before! It might even go on your permanent record." he says, a bit sadly. I sit there in shock. What?! My permanent record?! No!!! That can't happen! I turn around in my chair to glare at the boy who started this mess. Link sits in the corner with a smug smile on his face, possibly the only normal thing abouit him right now. His face has multiple scratches on it and there's a nasty cut above his left eye. Blood is running down his face from it. Not to mention the various cuts and bruises up his arms and legs from faceplanting into a picnic table. And I think he was limping as we walked in here. Yet despite all the injuries, I can't muster any sympathy for him. He got us all into this mess. It's all his fault. I glare at him some more.

"Admiring your handiwork?" says Mr. Holtjoy drily. I start and turn back around in my seat. "Thank you. Now as I was saying, all three of you will be punished. What that is, I haven't decided yet. So..." he trails off. His face pales. Buck and I glance at each other, mystified by this sudden change of attitude. Then I realize he's looking over our shoulders.

"I think that is hardly necessary, Mr. Holtjoy." the voice is soft, yet somehow tinged with a hard edge, cold as steel. Buck and I spin around at the exact same time to figure out whose voice this is.

The stranger standing before us looks like a lawyer.  Wearing a black suit and tie, complete with an attache case and jet-black hair, he seems to draw all attention in the room to him. 

"Mr. Kurt. Now is really not the time to be here. I have some students here that I need to-" Mr. Holtjoy says. 

"I know. That's what I want to talk to you about." interrupts Mr. Kurt. Mr. Holtjoy pales even more, if that's possible.

"Now? Can it wait?" Mr. Holtjoy almost pleads. 

"No.You three, wait in the hallway. You are dismissd for now." he says. Mystified, I look at Buck. He looks confused as well. We get up and the same time. Picking Link up out of the corner, we support him through the outer office where the secretaries work into the hallway. We let him sit down on the floor before talking. 

"Who do you think that guy is?" I ask Buck.

"No idea, but he seemed so powerful and important or something." he replies.

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