Chapter 1

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"The whole time i've been dying for some time on my own... For some down time but Mother still looks to Father with angry eyes and i cant stand to see that. 12 years in love is long, but 12 years of hatred is even worse..." I wrote the words in delicate cursive, the ink gliding across the paper. My diary was full of entry's like this but this one was harder to write. I sighed and leaned back from my cleaned desk in the basement of my mother's home. The room around me was bare as well, as i would soon be off to my new home in London. I was only there once with Mom, but she didn't like the house i'd picked so i had to go find a whole new one with a special bedroom for her when she grows older. She was in need of a tenant now, its a fairly shabby place so i wish her good luck.

I just finished University a week ago. If you wonder, Dad had paid for the whole affair. After the two divorced when i was 15, i started being passed back and forth between the two parents like a hot potato until my dad remarried a model who was 13 years younger then him. It wasn't much of a time for me when i had to watch my mother scowl through the wedding. She had actually bitten Katrina's mother on the arm. (Katrina is my fathers new wife). She left a nasty mark too....

My aunt told me once that i need a hero. That they can save you. I think she meant herself as my hero but i took it as words of wisdom instead. As far as i know, my hero wouldn't exactly fly from Hollywood to Manhattan just so he could save me from a burning building but it was fine the same.

The poster of him hung over my bead, and over my desk, and a collage in my closet and another two on the wall by the window. My eyes tipped to look at the curly hair and the soul patch of hair on his chin. I felt a shiver just looking at his hand that rested just beside his lips, pulling it up just slightly. His brown eyes seemed to look right at me and i had a moment if pure fantasy until i remembered something key.

I had forgotten to enter my self in his contest, the one that allows you to sign up to meet him. I was so looking forward to it and had forgotten all about it. Its not like i could ever win a day to meet him, but why not just try?

Reaching for my lap top, i opened it up and saw i had a notification, "enter Orly contest" two days ago... Quickly, i taped the link bellow and arrived at the People magazine Orly contest site. "Win a day with the Orlando Bloom! Be whisked off to Hollywood for a day with the man of a lifetime!"

I tapped enter and filled in my name, email and address. Then, when it was done, i pressed the flashy button finish and up popped the little image of Orlando's face. "Thanks for entering!" But bellow that, there was a big bolded collection of words. I tried to read them but my head went a bit fuzzy each time i tried... "Congratulations! You were the 1854'th person to enter. You have reached the lucky number! Enjoy your day and further information will be sent by E-Mail." My eyes started to go fuzzy and black around the edges and i felt a little scream bubbling up inside me. But, before i could get it out, i think- just maybe- i passed out...


I awoke to a panicked face. My mother held my shoulders and looked all over my face before leaning back and sighing.

"You had me scared to death!" She shouted at me and breathed heavily. "What happened?"

"Oh, um." I came to my senses and remembered the contest. I had won. "I won the Orlando contest!"

"No." She whispered, putting her hand to her mouth. "Really?"

"Yes!!!! Yes yes i did!" Oh my god, I really had won! "Okay, now get out please." I stood up and guided her out the door. She muttered some things but i was too exited to listen because i WAS GOING TO MEET MY IDOL! A flash of his bright smile came up in my mind and I practically sunk down on my knees as i shoved my mother out. And now, the squeal came out. I celebrated vigorously until i heard a ding from my iPad and tried to stop smiling. The message popped up on my screen,

"Congrats, dear! You've won the trip to Hollywood to meet the precious Orlando Bloom! You will be sent up on June 28th, sorry for the late notice, but Orlando has quite the schedule." I think I stopped breathing and had my hand clasping my heart. I kept going.
"Thanks so much! Please read the tab bellow for flight information. "

I was hyperventilating bad but just closed my eyes and stood up, walking over to my closet to pack. I have 1week until then and one day, will be the best day of my life.

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