Homecoming (2)

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You woke up the next morning feeling tired and a little bit anxious. Slowly those feelings melt away as you remembered last night's events.

Holy shuck you thought

You and Thomas found a way out of the maze and today was the day everyone prepares to leave the glade! Not only that, a homecoming bonfire was prepared for tonight and Newt was your date! Well not officially, you remembered he wanted to meet you in the deadheads after breakfast.

Anticipation and excitement replaced the dull emotions of morning time as you hurried to pull on shorts and a cute yellow top. As you pull your hair back into a high ponytail and put on brown boots, you look back to see Teresa has still not awoken. A mischievous smile bursts onto your face, as you think of a way to wake her up on one of the last days you guys are roommates.

You run outside for a few minutes and return with a bucket of water. Carefully, you shimmy over to Teresa's bed, making sure to make the least amount of noise possible. After counting to three in your head, you pour the cold liquid onto Teresa's bed, waking her up in the process.

"Y/N!" Teresa yelled as you ran out of the room as fast as you could.

Shutting the door, you make your way over to breakfast, where many gladers have already gathered awaiting Frypan's delicious delicacies. With a playful smirk, you greet Frypan and grab your food. After you sit down with a few of your friends namely Thomas, Chuck and Minho; they erupt with questions on Homecoming and who you were going with.

You laugh and just tell them the truth: You were going with Newt. Saying that out loud made you blush and the boys made "oooooooo" sounds and teased you relentlessly on it. Moments later a very angry roommate makes her way towards you with fresh clothes but sopping hair and a determined look in her eye. You don't see what she has in her hand at first so you greet her with an innocent smile.

"Well good morning roomie, how was your slumber?" You ask while batting your eyelashes

" Oh you know the usual—a piece of klunk decided to pour water on me while I slept so now I'm trying to seek revenge" Teresa replied

"How are you gonna—oH AH" You say, cut off by Teresa putting several ice cubes inside the back of your shirt causing you to squirm around trying to get them out

You have to stand up to get them out sooner than later and they fell to the grass with a small thud. Your friends were laughing at the sight of you panicked—Teresa most of all.

"I guess I deserved that"

"Yea you did slinthead, your lucky I didn't come at you with an ice bucket" Teresa jokingly adds

You check your surroundings and see that most of the gladers have finished up and have gone to prepare for tomorrow's events. Excitedly, you finish your food as fast as you can, say goodbye to your friends with a goofy grin and return the dish on a nearby counter. Before you left you could see Teresa filling them in on what you were so pumped up about and their smiles matched yours. Taking a second to breathe all the nervousness out, you then ran in the direction of the deadheads.

You walked into the trees and couldn't see any signs of anyone there so you looked around for a bit but stopped when you saw a few white rose petals on the ground. They only grew in a certain part of the deadheads so you knew someone had put these here and left a trail.

  Following the petals, you realized that the trail was a bit longer than you expected, taking you deeper and deeper into the woods. Finally when you could only see the shadows of trees on the ground rather than sunlight was when the trail stopped. The petals were circled on the ground so you looked around. All the surrounding trees had fairy lights wrapped around them and a few planks had been put together and painted white to spell "will you go to bonfire with me?" you looked around in awe as you saw Newt step behind a tree with a large bouquet of white roses. He looked nervous but mostly happy to see you.

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