Homecoming (1)

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Background- You and Thomas come back from the maze and found a way out. All the Gladers decide to throw a big going away party for the last night you are there~
That was the only thought that ran through your head when you and your running partner, Thomas found out the griever hole was the exit.

Relief flooded your body as you realized you could all go home again. You and Thomas shared a look of pure joy when you both figured out it was the way to freedom. Hugging each other and rolling on the ground in a fit of laughter and hope-filling the dusty maze air with something other than the usual despair. Then the adrenaline hit you and your best friend like a ton of bricks.

You and Thomas immediately got up and raced each other to the glade, making sure to mark where you are in your little notepad for later reference. It only took two hours to run all the way back to the glade even though the exit was all the way in section 8- both of your fastest running times yet.

Wearing goofy grins made up of happiness and excitement covered both of your faces when you guys made it through maze doors. Chuck was waiting there per usual, ready to greet and follow you guys all the way to the map room. Typically, he would ask you guys a million questions about the death trap  and both of you hated to disappoint him daily- but not this time.

Thomas and you stopped as soon as you reached the grass of the glade. Before Chuck could utter a single word of a question-both of you practically yelled

Childlike wonder cascaded over his brown eyes and the biggest smile made its way onto his face as he pulled you and Thomas in a big hug.

"I knew you could do it" he stated proudly

Warmness and hope broke out into your heart as you realize Chuck might be able to go home to where he belongs, safe and sound. A flock of gladers made their way towards the maze doors because you both had practically screamed that a way out had been found, startling most and causing them to run over to see what was happening.

Just as a crowd of confusion and questions started forming and erupting with you, Thomas and Chuck at the center- a voice booms out above the rest.


Instantly you knew who voice that belonged to, it didn't sound angry just important and loud. Alby then came through the crowd and pulled both of you out and away from the craze.

"I've already told Newt to call an urgent gathering so you can explain what you've found" Alby explains

As you stumble into the Homestead, every keeper is already there seemingly panicked and/or excited. You and Thomas both made your way to the center of a circle of chairs and tables, slowly explaining all the events of today that led up to the exit being found.

When you finish almost everyone seems satisfied with your retold experience. Everyone except Gally.

"How do we even know if it is an exit and we won't be eaten alive instantly-shuck Thomas even said earlier he saw those shuck faces crawl down into the supposed exit" Gally rambles

"How are you so sure it won't work" Newt retorts then turning to wink at both you and Thomas

"Well let's hold this to a vote, those who want to leave and have a chance at living outside the maze, raise your hand" adds Alby

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