Chapter 3-Fallen Angels by Black Veil Brides

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"Mr. Carter, Mr. Ritchers!" Mr. Frank said. "Office, now. There was no need for that!"

"This is bull-!" The door shut behind them as they left, cutting off what they were trying to say in order to get to me.

The next class I had was with both Jared and Eric. When I got to class, Jared knew something had happened by the way I walked into art class, head down, headphones in and blaring Fallen Angels by Black Veil Brides.

As soon as I sat in my seat next to him, he started in after he pulled my headphones out, "What did he do now?"

"Nothing," I mumbled, taking my headphones back and shoved them in my ears.

Thankfully art was my last class of the day. That's one of the benefits of having the best grades. getting out early.

And I'm betting you judged I was stupid because all of the emo kids you know don't pay attention in school and they have the worst grades? Well, I already knew this stuff. I should be a senior but the school board wouldn't let a sixteen-year-old into a grade where most of the kids are seventeen and eighteen because that would show the kids they are stupid. Well, they are. Eric was a senior and he has C-'s in everything. He should have to work for his grades, but him, being the kid of the richest guy in town, gets everything he wants.

Jared didn't push the subject and let me work on my painting of a fallen angel. I had gotten the idea from the song Fallen Angels by Black Veil Brides. I had watched the music video so many times so I could use their war paint look on the fallen angel with white wings that have been dirtied.

The angel was a beautiful girl. I used Sasha Pieterse as a model to start from. She had war paint like Jinxx from Black Veil Brides on her face. Her wings which were once pure white were now tattered, torn, and dirtied from her fall to Earth.

"Xenon, that's amazing. Who did you use as a starting place for the angel?" My teacher asked me in sign language to me. Yes, I read sign language. My little brother was deaf and my art teacher knew him. She also knew the predicament I was in with Eric, and not to take my headphones out of my ears.

"Sasha Pieterse, and the war paint is Jinxx from BVB," I said.

She knew my music preference and she knew the newer hip bands and all that jazz. Seeing as she was 27 and this was her third year of teaching me.

"Oh, and your inspiration came from their song Fallen Angels?" She signed.

I signed yes to her. She nodded and she went on her with her rounds through the class.

Next thing I knew, Eric was beside me with a paint brush, full of lime green paint.

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