Chapter 2-Living Dead Girl by Rob Zombie

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"Xenon? Are you okay?" I heard another male voice, this one soothed me instead of making me wince at the sound of it.

I knew exactly who it was, "Jared, help. It hurts," I said in such a quiet voice I was afraid he didn't hear me.

But, him being my best friend, heard me. He made me stand up and led me to his locker, because he had pain pills, Neosporin, and gauze bandages for me because this would happen on a regular bases. After he gathered what he needed for me, led me to the bathrooms and walked with me into the girls restroom, seeing how classes had started. Then he addressed my wound. When he finished he led me to an outside bench, sat down with me beside him and hugged me.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there. They normally don't do this when I'm next to you." He sighed.

"It's my fault he did it this time. Maybe I should go back to trying to ignore them?" I asked, tears flowing freely down my face. One reason I never wore make-up. It would just be ruined by their bullying antics.

"What'd you say to them that makes you think it's you're fault?" He asked, pulling back to look me in the eye.

"I quoted Apologize by Hollywood Undead because they wanted to know how it went after I said he would like how sinister they sound in that song. I only quoted the chorus. He must've seen something behind my logic. And he did this," I pointed to my arm, "after I played a little of the song.

I just want to die! I don't want to be here anymore! I can't take this anymore!" I said as I started bawling even harder than I was before. "No body wants me here, anyway!" I yelled.

"Don't you dare say that!" He yelled at me, shocking me into silence. He never yells at me. He dropped his voice, "I care about you. I want you here. Promise me this," he gestured to my cuts, "is as close to suicide as you will try." He pulled me into a hug and kissed me on the crown of my head.

I didn't say anything, he shocked me by yelling at me. I just numbly nodded, and made a mental note to go over this scene later.

We sat there for a minute, just hugging each other. Then, like the normal ritual, went to the office and told them one of my cuts started bleeding profusely. The office lady knew and understood I was a cutter and believed us. She gave us a pass to our class. Thankfully I had almost every class with Jared, other than the thirty minutes of home room I had to endure with Eric. But, gladly, the teacher knew the situation between us, had a seating arrangement and kept a close watch on Eric. And seeing as I always read and listened to music on my iPod and never did anything, the teacher trusted me. Sometimes that was the magic of being a neighbor of a teacher, they witnessed things and understood your situation.

When home room came around I started blaring Rob Zombie's Living Dead Girl. That was my signal to Mr. Frank, my home room teacher that it happened again.

"Hey Xenon! You're going to go deaf listening to that crap!" Eric's buddy yelled at me.

"Xenon! What you listening to now? Stupid!" Eric yelled.

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