Wither! Technoblade

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I smirked as I looked at all the diamonds I had gathered. Mining was a very fun thing to do when you were bored as hell.
But it wasn't the safest area, I was living near the prison. I had been arrested at one point, but I convinced Sam to let me go. I was making my breakfast when Quackity burst through my door.

"Y/N! PLEASE HELP!" He yelled, tears filling his eyes.
"I-I know that you don't like me... BUT PLEASE!!!" He exclaimed.
"What is it?" I asked.
He grabbed my hand and started dragging me to Las Nevadas. I saw a burnt creature, I couldn't tell what or who it was anymore.
"Please... it's Slime..." he started crying harder. I picked up the burnt corpse and started walking towards my place.
"I'll see what I can do."

Did I forget to mention that I was a sorceress? Oh well.

I set him down on my table and grabbed some water. I poured it on him to get him cooled down so I can get the burnt stuff off him. I eventually got it all off, revealing well... a slime... my pet parrot squawked in alarm from the new person.
I grabbed a few ingredients and put them in a pot of boiling water. I waited till it was just liquid. Bringing the pot over to Slime, I decided to get a cup. I poured some of the drink into it and put it between Slimes lips.

His eyes fluttered open and he gasped.
"Calm down, take it easy." I said, laying him back down.
"Where am I..?" He asked.
"My house, you died but Quackity brought me to you and I revived you." I explained.
He looked scared and confused.
"Get some rest, you need it." I said, putting a blanket over him and a pillow under his head.

He closed his eyes and slept.
I smiled and called Quackity over.
He entered and had a smirk from ear to ear.
"Quackity and... Sam? What's going on here? Why are you holding swords..?" I asked.
"I'm afraid you're going to come with us."
"Wait what?! Why?!" I asked as Sam grabbed me.

"You'll find out soon enough." Quackity smirked.
Soon enough, I was in a vault with Dream.
"We have no use for you anymore." Quackity smirked, grabbing Dreams shirt and throwing him into the lava. I didn't feel bad but I was still scared.

They left the building without taking my items, rookie move. I smirked and took out my communicator, messaging my friend, Niki.

I need some help

Niki <3
What's going on Y/n?

Just chilling in prison after Sam and duck boy threw me in.

Niki <3
HOLY SH- I'll get you out soon, don't worry, I'll gather the syndicate.

I had no clue what the syndicate was, but I hoped it would help.
After a few hours of waiting in that dark dusty cell, I heard some explosions.  And someone or something broke into my cell, it grabbed me and flew. Wait... flew? It wasn't flying like Philza... what the heck had grabbed me?!

I managed to look at the figure that grabbed me.
The blood god, my friend, was half Wither, half human. He hovered us to safety and set me down, taking his gloves off.
"What's with the gloves?" I asked.
"Well if I didn't wear them, you'd wither away." He smirked.

My eyes widened and I let out a shaken breath.
"Well, thank you for saving me. It means a lot." I smiled.
He smiled back and put his gloves back on before helping me up. I was confused as of where we were going. We were in a tundra and I was cold, I had no warmth. Techno quickly wrapped his cape around me body and kept flying.

We arrived at his place soon enough.
"Well, thank you for the escort, but I can handle myself from here, feel free to keep attacking Quackity and Sam." I smiled and kissed his cheek. His face turned bright purple and he sped away.

Such a dork.

I chuckled and entered his house, sitting down by the fire.
I sighed and let my body relax.
I hope they're all alright. I thought.
I closed my eyes and remembered some spells. I used a spell to summon my pet parrot to me.
I smiled an stroked it's head. It let out soft chirps. I chuckled lightly and continued petting it until the others arrive. I saw Niki, Phil, Ranboo, and Techno.

I sent my bird back home and stood up.
"Thank you guys very much, I'd still be in that hellhole if it wasn't for you guys."
They all smiled and hugged me, except Techno. He was just holding his hands together.
I looked at him, confused.
"I uh... lost my gloves... so if I touch anyone, they will wither away..." he stated.
We stopped hugging.
I sighed and closed my eyes, muttering a spell.

Soon, a new pair of gloves wrapped around his hands. He smiled widely and hugged me very tightly. My ribs were being crushed and it was hard to breath. And in the heat of the moment he kissed my forehead.
He chuckled awkwardly and loosened his hug.
I smiled and was able to hug him back since he loosened his grip and I could move my arms.

The others slowly and cautiously left the house and return to their own.
Techno held me very close to him, my body was pressed again him. He was a human heater and freezer at the same time.
I sighed contently in the hug.
Techno moved his gloved hand up into my hair.
"Can I.. uh.. this is awkward to say.. can I kiss you?" He mumbled out.

I chuckled and nodded my head.
His very cold lips met mine.

How is the blood god such a dork.

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