Technoblade X Demonic!Nun reader

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Requested by Toastbur! I'm not a religious person so this isn't gonna be very accurate for religion or anything.

I opened my eyes and sat up, putting on my robe and sighing. It smelled like lavender and candles. I walked out of my quarters and into the main hallway. It was covered in paintings and candles. I smiled slightly and walked into the main room.

I saw the normal people that came here every day, but today, there was one extra person. (Picture above)
I walked over to the man and sat next to him. He had medium length pink hair, he was in a suit as well.
"You are new here, correct? I haven't seen you before." I muttered. The man looked over at me with red shining eyes.
"Correct. I'm Technoblade, you are?"
"Y/n L/n." I smiled.

He smiled brightly but hesitantly. I remembered the time and sighed, walking away from Techno and towards the doors. Niki and I walked into the cafeteria. I sat next to Niki and let out a sigh.
"They haven't came yet..." I muttered, worried.
"Who? Your kids?"
"They're not my kids but yes."
"They're in your room, I sent them there."
I quickly shot out of my chair and speed walked to my room.

I opened the door and saw Fundy and Tommy.
"Hey boys." I smiled, they hugged me and laughed.
"It's great to see you, dads here as well!" Tommy said.
Fundy went sad at the mention of a dad.
"Let's go to the main room, we can talk there." I smiled, taking their hands. We entered the main room and I saw Phil talking to Technoblade. Puffy was just sitting with them, holding some man's wrist.

I smiled and walked towards Phil.
"Hello there!" I smiled. He turned around and hugged me.
"Hey Y/n! It's been a while." He smiled .
"It's been less than a week." I laughed.
He chuckled and saw Fundy and Tommy.
"Well, if it isn't the two biggest rascals in the town." He joked, ruffling their hair.

I frowned and walked towards Niki, who was talking to herself in the mirror, looking scared.
"Niki, are you alright?" I asked her.
"Yes... maybe... no... I'm just nervous... this is my first time actually preaching in front of others." She mumbled.
"Hey, you'll do great! And I'll be there next to you if you need me." I smiled. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around.

"Ah, Techno, how can I help you?"
"Well, I was wondering if we could talk privately." He mumbled. I nodded and led him to the hallway.
"What is it you'd like to talk about?" I asked.
"Well, I trust you more than the other priest so I came to ask... how can you redeem yourself..?" He asked.
"Well, you should start by being kind to others and helping whenever you can-" I was saying, but he cut me off.

"Also, where have I seen you before?" He asked.
"Pardon?" I asked.
"I know I've seen you before, but I can't put my finger on it."
"Most likely just around the town." I stated.
"Well, we could talk to figure it out?" He suggested.
"We can talk after the ceremony." I smiled.


I walked up to Niki who was panicking.
"You're gonna go great. I promise." I smiled, giving her a hug. She smiled and walked onto the stage. I stood behind her and listened. She was fantastic.
"You did amazing Niki!" I exclaimed, hugging her. She smiled and thanked me. I felt another tap on my shoulder and saw Techno.
"I'll talk to you later Niki." I smiled.

Techno POV

I'm gonna be fully honest, I didn't recognize her, I just wanted to talk to her. She is so beautiful and optimistic. She smiles and the sun feels less than her.
I grinned and walked with her. She looked a little fearful.


Goodness I don't like this. Confronting isn't my thing.
"So, you want to redeem yourself for your sins?" I asked.
"Yes." He stated, simple but it works.
"Well, what have you done that needs redeeming?" I asked.
He didn't answer, I assumed it was personal so I didn't push.

"Well, I'll be here if you ever want to tell me."
"Thank you, but I really should head home now." He sighed. I led him to the exit and watched with a heavy heart as he left.

I know this isn't very good since I dont know much about what religion is like or stuff like that, but I hope this was good enough-

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