Chapter Twelve: Death and Magick

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When the images faded from the sky, an eerie silence fell over the crowd. Rainie clung tightly to Jack, she could not believe he was there, trying to save her. Where was Dawn? Was she safe? Did they make it to the Havens? So many questions she wanted to ask, but she dared not, for fear that she would endanger them all.

The silence stretched for a very long time until a voice she did not recognize asked, "Uncle, is what we just saw true? Did you really kill your wife with magick? Have you been lying to us all this time?"

The King snarled, "Silence, Marcus. You do not speak out of turn. Of course, it is not true. Why would you ever believe such a thing, they are trying to bewitch us all."

Rainie felt Jack shake his head, "No, we are not. I discovered this truth when I journeyed to Veracity, just outside the Temple of Truth. I met with the Lady Alethea who is the keeper of truth and the wielder of justice. She showed me this and challenged me to make a change in this world.

I thought that freeing Rainie from the pound would be enough, but it would not end it for all those left behind. The cruelty that we inflict upon each other needs to stop. We are all the same, we breathe the same, we bleed the same, we love, and we die the same. The only monsters in this world are the monsters hate and anger, and those who live by them."

Rainie clung tighter to Jack, and softly said, "I told you that once. It feels like it was ages ago, in the glade, you did not know then, but it seems you know now. You have grown Jack."

She felt Jack look down at her, "You helped me grow, much like what the rain you summon can do, you nurtured and tended to me, and brought me from the dark into the light. I am sorry, you have suffered because of my darkness. I truly am."

Smiling Rainie nodded, "I know you are, I have already forgiven you. That is what you do when you love someone, you forgive them."

The King growled, "Enough of this, tie them to the stake, they can burn together."

Rainie moved slightly in front of Jack, prepared to use her magick, but Marcus suddenly commanded, "No, this ends now. I order you all to stand down and let them be. Uncle, we have seen evidence that you have lied to us, the time has come for change, and this will be the first. They will go free."

The King opened and closed his mouth several times, before snarling, "Who do you think you are, to tell me anything, boy, I have raised you from a child. I am the King, and I decide what paths this Kingdom takes."

"Not anymore. I am declaring you unfit to rule, due to your past crimes, and your bloodlust. I am invoking the ancient rite of succession; you have ruled long enough. You have divided and harmed our people, you have slain innocents, and yet you still hunger for blood, you are hurting this kingdom, and by ancient rites, I can and am removing you from the throne, and any who remain loyal to you will be treated as traitors to the crown."

At his words, the group surrounding Rainie and Jack backed up and stood down. The King looked around at all of them, before saying, "You have to have the support of the people for such a thing, do you really think they will support you on this, I have kept them safe for years. They will not betray me."

Jack raised his hand, "I will support him, and I know of many who will as well."

Rainie nodded, "Me too, if he is willing to lead with compassion and kindness, I will support it."

The crowd around them started murmuring and before long, everyone was nodding, they would support Marcus's ascent to the throne. The King looked around him, his eyes then landed on Rainie and Jack. Glaring at them, he snarled, "So it seems you are to be set free, but tell me, Magick, how will you live with a broken heart."

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