Chapter Four: Rainie's Sorrow

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Rainie was the happiest she had been in a long time. Gran was doing well, Dawn was finally being a normal child, and Jack... Jack was something else. Rainie had been in a lot of trouble with Gran for bringing him home, she had claimed that he would be trouble for them, but Rainie did not think he would be. There was something about him. Something that drew her in.

She could sense he was potentially dangerous. She knew he was lying about the bandits; she had not told Gran that, but she knew. And yet she still trusted him, he felt a lot like her, lost. Like he was trying to find answers to a question, that he did not even know he was asking. She had felt that way since she was a child, had her parents really been Non-Magick? Was she the reason Granpa Sam had been taken? Did Gran blame her for it? Why did her magick feel like it belonged to someone else?

But Rainie tried not to think about such things that she would never have an answer to. Jack, she felt was in the same situation, she could sense some kind of struggle within him, there were moments when he seemed happy and was enjoying being there with them all, and then there were times when he withdrew within himself and was really distant like he hated them all. Rainie was glad he had stayed; she had been afraid he would not.

She had not believed her ears when Gran suggested it. Though part of her had not wanted him to stay, he was a big distraction. He was so distracting that she could not even sleep because of him. His eyes kept looming at her in her dreams, in some dreams he was sweet and kind but in others, he hunted her like a dog hunts a rabbit. Yes, there was something about Jack, something she liked and something she feared, she just hoped that she had been right to trust him.

In the last few months, Gran had declined, she spent more days in bed, and she barely spoke. Rainie feared it would not be long, but she did not want Gran to suffer, so she had to make the trip, and she had to make it soon, the last of her herbs would be gone within three days' time, and the trip to the herbalist and back would take at least two even if she did not have to stop and rest. She could not leave Gran alone, but the trip had to be made, and only she could make it.

Rainie, Jack, and Dawn sat in a semi-circle near the stove for warmth, Gran was still resting in bed, they were trying to discuss what to do. The wind outside howled and beat on the sides of their little home. Rainie rubbed her face with her hands, her head hurt, she was tired from lack of sleep, and she did not know what to do.

She could leave but who would watch after Gran? Dawn knew what to do, but she could not do everything with no help, and Jack while he could do everything, he had no clue what to do. Rainie looked at Jack and then Dawn, did she trust him enough?

Sighing Rainie said, "I think I should go to the herbalist alone, you two can stay and watch over Gran."

Dawn immediately shook her head no, "The trip is too dangerous for you to go alone, especially this late in the year. If you had gone a week or so ago that would have been different, but now you honestly should not go at all. The snow will fall anytime now."

Jack frowned, "What is so difficult about the journey when the snow comes? How is it more treacherous then?"

Rainie rubbed her face again, "The herbalist lives in a secluded valley that is walled in by tall cliffs and the only way down to her home is by walking on the edge of a cliff. Even in the best of weather, the walk down is dangerous, but after it has snowed it is almost impassable."

Jack nodded, "Okay, I will go with you and Dawn can watch over Gran, with my help you should be able to get there and back before the snow. We can chunk the fire up good; I can make sure there is plenty of wood in here, so she does not even have to go outside."

Rainie started to protest but Dawn cut her off, "It is a good plan, Rainie. I can keep me and Gran warm and look after her until you come back. I think at this time, it is our only plan."

Even though she did not like the idea of leaving Dawn alone with Gran, Rainie could not think of a better plan, and so a few hours later Rainie and Jack set off into the bitter cold. Rainie and Jack had been walking for a few hours when the first flake of snow fell. Jack tried to ask if they should go back, but Rainie was determined to push on, Gran needed those herbs for her tonic.

After another hour, the snow was falling so rapidly that their tracks were instantly covered, Rainie tried to ignore the snow and push on, but Jack stopped her, "Rainie, if the journey is as dangerous as you claim, there is no way we will make it. I think it best if we turn around and head back.

Rainie looked at Jack and nodded. He was right. They would have to try and keep Gran as comfortable as possible until the weather broke. They were nearly back when a sudden scream filled the air. Rainie looked at Jack, Jack looked at her, they were about to try and hide when the scream came again, this time, they could hear what was being said, "GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME! LET ME GO! HELP, SOMEBODY HELP."

Rainie's eyes got big, "Dawn."

Before Jack could stop her Rainie ran. She had to get to Dawn. She was getting closer when suddenly someone grabbed her from behind and pulled her off the path into the bushes. Jack whispered in her ear, "You cannot intervene. It is a hunter. If you intervene, they will take you too, and then who will look after Gran. You must let her go."

Rainie fought against Jack, she had to save Dawn, she had to. She could not let her go, but try as she might, she could not get free. Jack was too strong. Rainie did not stop struggling until the sounds of the hunters and their carriages were long gone.

When Jack finally let her go, she shoved him away, "WHY DID YOU DO THAT. THEY WILL KILL HER. WHY DID YOU STOP ME?"

Rainie was so mad she was shaking. Jack looked sad but calm, "Because, they would have taken you too, and Gran needs you."

Rainie's eyes suddenly went wide, "Oh, no Gran." Jack understood immediately and together they ran back to the little house.

When they arrived, the door was shut tight, fear flooding through her, Rainie slowly opened the door. Everything was as they left it. The wood was stacked neatly by the stove, buckets full of water sat beneath the sink, and Gran lay in bed. The only thing missing was Dawn. Looking at Jack, who nodded, Rainie slowly walked over to where Gran Ivy lay.

Rainie reached out her hand and gently grasped Gran's. At her touch, Gran opened her eyes, a sad smile on her face, "Ah, Raindrop. She found you in time. Good. I am glad you have returned to me."

Keeping her voice even Rainie smiled, "Of course, I have returned. I will always return to you. Why did you send Dawn to find me, I was going to get more herbs for your tonic."

Gran shook her head, "I will not be needing the tonic any longer, Raindrop. The time has come. I sent her to you, so I could say goodbye."

Tears welling in her eyes Rainie shook her head, "No, no goodbyes. Gran, you are going to be just fine. You still have many years ahead of you. I know it."

Gran raised a shaking hand cupping Rainie's cheek she said, "My child, it is time. I am going on to be with my Sam. I will never stop watching over you, my Raindrop. You were the daughter I never could have, and I love you with every fiber of my being. No matter what awaits you in this world, always choose to be kind and to love everyone around you equally. I will always be with you and our little Dawn. Goodbye my child, until we meet again."

At her last words, Gran Ivy's hand fell from Rainie's cheek. Tears poured down Rainie's cheeks as she whispered, "Gran? Please no. Gran?"

But Gran did not stir. Rainie stared at the woman who had raised her, and for the first time, she felt truly alone. Her heart thudded in her chest, each thud bringing a new stabbing pain, tears clouded her vision, and her head was too full to understand, why Gran did not stir. She always stirred. All at once as if someone had flicked a switch, Rainie lost control. A painfilled sob escaped her lips, as she hugged Gran's lifeless body, tears poured from her eyes in an endless stream, and rain fell inside the little home, drenching them in its bitter cold. 

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