Chapter Ten: Rainie Goes to the Stake

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Breathing hard Rainie focused on the water around her, she willed it to rise and encase the pound, she willed the rain to pour down, washing the footprints of her loved ones away. She had to hold on a little longer, she could do that, just hold on a little longer. She could feel her strength start to wane, she could not hold on much longer, but they had not had a chance to go far, they would be caught, she could not allow them to be caught.

Trembling, Rainie closed her eyes, and very slowly she willed the water to turn to ice, thick ice that could not be easily broken, she would trap them in for as long as possible, it would be her last gift to her loved ones. When the dome around the pound had been turned into ice, Rainie lowered her arms, letting the water that was swirling around her fall, and waited.

She still could not see, but she could hear. She heard heavy footsteps crunching towards her, and suddenly something very hard hit her from behind, causing her to fall face-first on the ground. Focusing on her breathing Rainie stayed still, she would not fight anymore, her loved ones were safe, and the people here were free.

Rainie's arms were pulled behind her back and cuffed with heavy irons, angry voices echoed around her, but Rainie could not focus on them, her head was swimming, and she was so tired. They started to drag her away from the hole in the wall, which was now frozen over, back towards the buildings.

To Rainie's surprise, they did not take her to the buildings, or the stables, instead they forced her to stand with her back to one of the poles, they put a new collar on her, tying a rope to the metal loop on the collar, and then attached it to a ring on the pole. By doing this they made it to where she had to stand straight up and down against the pole. She could hear people around her murmuring, but she could not fully understand what was being said.

At last, someone spoke directly to her, and everyone fell silent around her, "Alright Mutt, where did all the other dogs go?"

Reminding herself to remain calm, Rainie replied, "I do not know."

A whistling sound filled the air, and suddenly something hard and thin collided with Rainie's stomach, the voice growled again, "Where did the other dogs go?"

Gasping, Rainie replied, "I do not know."

The whistling sound filled the air again, and again something hit her in the stomach, the voice growled, "We can do this all day Mutt, but you will tell me where they went. I have ways of making Mutts like you talk, and I will do it unless you tell me where they went."

Forcing herself to breathe slowly and deeply, ignoring the pain, Rainie shook her head, "I do not know where they went."

The whistling sound filled the air again, and again he hit her, Rainie had finally placed who the voice belonged to, it was the toothless guy who had pulled her from the carriage her first day there. He hit her four more times, before he growled again, "Where did they go Mutt?"

Pain laced through her whole body, but she kept her voice even, "I do not know."

Growling the man hit her again, this time hitting everything from her ankles to her neck, he rained down licks on her, and Rainie stood still, she would not give them away, no matter the cost. When he stopped again, he asked the same question, "Where did the other dogs go, Mutt?"

Weakly Rainie shook her head, "I do not know."

She expected more blows to come, but instead, she felt him stand inches from her face, whispering he said, "Okay, pretty girl, maybe you do not know where the other dogs went. I would be willing to stop your interrogation, and I would even be willing to deem you harmless, if you answer just one question for me."

Rainie waited, this had to be a trick, the man stroked her cheek and then said, "Who freed you all, and why?"

Trembling, Rainie shook her head, "I do not know."

Suddenly he slapped her hard across the face, her lip splitting, he growled, "Liar Mutt, I know you know. If you will not answer me then perhaps you can follow an order. Melt the ice barrier or beg for death. Because if you do not melt the barrier, I will make sure that you spend every second in pain until the barrier is melted or until you die from the abuse, so which will it be Mutt?"

Mustering all of her courage, Rainie replied, "I will not melt the ice, nor will I beg for death. I will suffer and then when the suffering is too much, I will pass on. I am prepared for this path, and there is nothing you or anyone else can do, that will change this."

The man spat on her face and growled, "We will see Mutt, we will see."

True to his threat, the man ensured that Rainie was constantly being beaten or if she was left alone, they made sure that she was either bound painfully or there was something cutting into her or burning her while they were gone. She lost track of how long they hurt her, she still could not see, and although she did wish the end would come, she refused to beg, cry, scream, or even speak.

The ice barrier surrounding the pound slowly melted, tiny pieces broke off each day, and then one day, while enduring a beating at the pole, Rainie heard it, the ice shattered. The toothless guy suddenly called a halt to her beating.

Standing inches from her bruised and battered face, he whispered, "The ice is gone Mutt. I have sent people to look for the other dogs, and I have an order here straight from the King, you are to be burned alive, in front of the entire kingdom. He heard about what you did and has decided to teach all the dogs out there a lesson on what happens when you step out of place.

It seems death will take you soon enough, such a shame, you were a pretty dog. I was almost going to keep you for myself." Laughing he barked at the person who had been beating her, "Load her up, the King wants her in the capital in no later than five days, we have no time to lose."

Rainie was roughly released from the pole, the muzzle was shoved on her head, and she was thrown in a metal carriage. Before an hour had passed, they were leaving the pound, and headed towards the Capital, within five days, she would die. In five days, it would all be over, at least the others were safe. Tired, hurting, and a little afraid, Rainie closed her eyes and fell asleep, she was ready. 

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