Untitled Part 9

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Tap. Tap. Tap. This pencil's about to get shorter because of my tapping on the table. I was still feeling uneasy because of Leo's presence. It's already 10 in the evening and our professor for Strength is still not here. I can't look him in the eye even if he's just asking me for a sheet of paper. Tap. Tap. Tap.

It was not surprisingly awkward at dinner because of that "kiss" stunt that Leo pulled earlier today. The gang was complete at Dinner time, the soul mates being sweet and eating quietly, while in my case, just the mere brushing of my arm and Leo's arm feels awkward as fuck. Tap. Tap. Tap. and the tapping continues.

"Hit me with your best shot." Professor Claude said, as he entered the room. "That's how our class is going to be starting next week." He doesn't look intimidating when you look at him, wearing Ray ban eyeglasses, a polo shirt, board shorts and a very clean pair of topsiders. He looks a bit nerdy to me, but cute nerdy. His hair was black and messy, his eyes radiant of blueness and his mouth turned into a smirk. Underneath the nerdy look, was a macho man waiting to brawl with a bear. He looks about 23 years old.

"I am a wolf for 67 years."

And that shut out my mind blab about a cute professor who's definitely older than I am. He continued to talk about how he transformed, just like how the other professor in class did, until his eyes were focused on me and his expression darkened. The class went silent and turned to stare at me.

"Class is dismissed for today, we'll continue next week." and the students collected their stuff and rushed to the door to get to their respective dorms.

"Ms. Gomez, may I have a word with you, please?" He said, as he sat down on the chair, not looking at me. Leo hesitated to go out of the room, but got the message that we need to talk alone, "I'll wait for you in the lobby, Tiff" He said, and stormed out just like everyone else.

When it was just me and Professor Claude, he told me to have a seat in front of his desk.

"Was it because of my marks, that you have to dismiss class early today?" I said, and regretted right after I did. It was rude of me to ask him about that directly. He chuckled, but answered my question. "Yes, it might not be a big deal to the students, but it certainly is a big deal to the faculty, because we know better, and I was not informed of you being in my class. You're royalty, you don't have to take up my class. We both know you could kill me in seconds."

And just like that, my question was answered as direct as possible. "I, I don't know anything about how this-" I said, gesturing to myself, "-works. I don't know that I have that kind of power, and I don't know what or who I am."

"So it's true, then. You don't know anything." he looked down, looking more matured than earlier.

"I dismissed the whole class because this is the first time I saw you, and I wasn't expecting it." he looked directly into me, like he's looking at my soul. "I knew someone who's a royal blood."

"Who?" I asked nonchalantly.

"I don't know. all I know is that she's a royal blood, seeing the blue marks, and she left me with this." he said, pointing to the gold bracelet clinging to his hand, with an intricate pattern resembling my marks. "This bracelet is the reason why I don't look like I'm 67, but it doesn't make me immortal, it just means I'm stronger than most adult wolves."

I looked at the bracelet, wondering why I haven't seen it earlier, but it glowed a natural blue light just like my marks. "Why would she give that to you?"

"She didn't give me an explanation, but she told me you were coming." he said, fixing his glasses on top of his nose.

"And she told me to protect you."

"From who? or what?" I asked, feeling frustrated by all this mess that I couldn't understand.

"She said that I'll find out soon enough. Tiffany, you being the daughter of Timothy, I couldn't possibly think of any reason of why am I the one who's obliged to protect you, but I trust that woman, and she gave me something to keep me strong, and I'm going to teach you to be strong."

"Isn't that the reason why I'm in this class?" I said in a soft voice, my feet wanting to get out of this room.

"Yes, but you're going to have to train harder than most students."



I was finally alone, after having that talk with Professor Claude. I certainly don't know what's yet to come, and I found myself going to Leo's hiding place, the garden, the hidden sanctuary that he showed me a few days ago, and even when I ran off, I'm still captivated by its beauty, and how it removes all of my anxieties, but nothing's changed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2016 ⏰

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