Chapter 6 - A Danger From The Past

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Waking up after that night at the bar was different for Lena. She was anxious, with butterflies in her stomach. She couldn't wait to open her heart to Kara, and she knew it would change her life completely. And somehow she knew it would change for the better. Still, she was nervous, didn't know exactly how she was going to do it, what she was going to say to Kara. She caught herself several times rehearsing a speech in her head or in front of the mirror.

It was a Sunday morning, a sunny day and clear skies. Lena was inspired to take a walk outside, she thought it would help to get the words in order in her head. She walked to the park, not paying much attention to her surroundings. And it was right at the entrance to the park that Lena was approached by a man.

"Lena? Lena Luthor?"

Lena stopped and looked at the man. That man with the shaved head and wispy beard looked like someone she knew, but she wasn't sure... it took her a while to recognize.

"Don't you remember me?" Said the man when noticing the doubt in Lena's face. "Max, did we meet a few years ago in Paris."

"Oh... yes, Max. Sorry. You... you are very different from what you looked like back then."

"You're right, we haven't seen each other in a long time. I mean, I always saw you in the media, but it's not the same. Unlike me, you haven't changed at all. Still very pretty, as always."

"I'm surprised to see you here... what are you doing in National City?"

"I came to see you."

"What?" Lena began to feel a little fear, she looked around as if looking for an escape route. She remembered what happened to that man in the past.

Max could see Lena's reaction, her expression, her posture. He knew she was afraid to be there with him, he didn't have the slightest doubt about what it might do to Lena when he decided to come after her.

"Don't worry, Lena. I've changed. I just wanted to see you again."

Max made a move to take a step towards Lena, which caused her immediate reflex, causing her to take a step back. Anyone who saw her would know she was uncomfortable in this man's presence.

"I've changed, Lena. I'm not the guy you knew anymore, trust me. We could have a coffee to talk better, what do you say?"

"I don't think it's a good idea." Lena took a step back.

"Come on, Lena, please. I crossed the entire ocean just to see you. It's just a coffee, it won't hurt."

"Max, I really don't think it's a good idea. It reassures me to hear you say that you've changed, that you're different, but still I don't think it would be good or comfortable for me. I hope you understand."

The man's expressionless gaze towards Lena was unreadable in that moment, but he pretended to accept that he wouldn't get what he wanted. With a smile even more enigmatic than his gaze, he spoke again:

"Okay, I understand. Who knows, maybe we'll meet again by chance at some other opportunity, on another walk. I really hope you are well."

When Lena didn't respond, Max continued:

"I'll be in town for a few more days, I'm sure we'll see each other again sometime. I'm leaving. See you later, Lena."

Before he turned and walked away, those glassy eyes froze Lena's spine. Max didn't bring back good memories, and that terrified her. She quickened her step back toward her apartment, always looking back to somehow make sure she wasn't being followed. She needed to get out of there. She needed to be with her friends, with Kara. Kara who brought her so much security, that she would ease the dread that took hold of her at that moment.

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