mason Mount - 4

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My ex is a dick. A dick. He dumped me last year and I have still not moved on. He would always bring me down yet I still told myself I loved him. Maybe it was guilt or pity. My mum was operating on his dad and he passed away. It was only 10% chance of survival. Since then I swore I would never let anyone bring me down for pity of something that I personally have no business in, yes I have ties with what happened but it wasn't me and it certainly wasn't my mums fault of his dad's death. I adored his dad and he knew he wouldn't make it out alive, but he tried for his son. Because that's the type of man he was.

My blond hair is straight and down on my shoulders, I wear black boots, denim shorts, silver top, a black blazer and sun glasses on my head. After getting my nails done black it was the perfect outfit.

Grabbing my suit case I entered the hotel, in where I found a man I could never mistake anywhere else. My ex. Fucks sake. He was at the front desk.

"She's my girlfriend!" He protests to the front lady. As I approach she turns her attention to me.

"I will be with you in one second, sir." She then speaks to me, "how can i help you, Miss?"

I told her about my room booked and it turns out, Matthew the bastard here was trying to get into my room.

"SHES MY GIRLFRIEND!!" He shouts loudly.

"Ex girlfriend." I clarify.

The receptionist looks at me and then Matthew. Matthew punches the desk in frustration.

"Excuse me," a handsome voice comes from behind us, I turn to see Mason Mount. Like the amazing footballer. "I couldn't help but overhear. Is there anything i could do to help?" Matthew storms off and sits down on a chair Mason was previously sat in. Still in shock, I shrug. The receptionist comes from the desk and talks to us quietly.

"He seems to want to us Miss Galleywoods room, claiming that they were together. But according to Miss Galleywood, they split up." She explains, "would it be too much to ask if you would share?" She turns to me and i am immediately in shock.

"Uhhh...ehhh.." I stutter

"I don't mind. Not at all " Mason says.

After moments of me stuttering I agree too.

After going to get a drink and the rest of my things I had agreed to meet Mason in the lobby. He stands before me wearing his Chelsea training tracksuit and his bag on his back. Smiling I walk towards him and I hope I don't mess this up and can speak properly.

"Thank you." I say


After a moments hesitation, "helping to deal with Matthew. He's always been a lot of bother and he can be hard sometimes."

"Don't worry." We walk into the lift together, we're alone.

I drop my bag down as its heavy which jolts the lift slightly.

"Want me to carry it?" He asks politely.

"It's alright, I have it."

Right when I am about to say thank you after a moment the lift halts and everything is pitch black. In sudden movement I drop my other bag and accidentally trip over the other one...right....into....Mason....

I gasp at the light but strong touch of Masons hands on my shoulder and back, holding me against him. I don't move. I am utterly afraid of the dark. Mason chuckles beneath his breath

"What...?" I breathe out heavily.

"You're afraid of the dark, then you managed to fall into me." He chuckles once again

"Everyone has their own fears. And it was an accident falling into you, but because of my fears I am afraid I can't move." I say.

"What do you mean?" He asks

"I was diagnosed with a high level of the fear of darkness. It temporarily stops my brain from working and moving myself."

Mason chuckles. He does it again and I suddenly become obsessed. I love it.

The lights flicker back on and I step out of Masons grasp, picking up my bags once again. We walk to our room and unlock the door.


Me. mind goes black...




Hours go by of just watching TV with Mason when he turns to me and asks

"What's your name?"

My mind goes through everything that's happened and I realise he doesn't know my name because because was introduced as Miss Galleywoods.

"Lola. Lola Galleywoods."

"That's one beautiful name."

I blush, I know I do because i feel the heat rising to my cheeks within an instant. Mason chuckles and turns the TV off

I am in the same bed as Mason Mount.  Gosh. I lay awake on my side staring at the wall. It's boring as hell. I am almost drifting asleep when I feel something on my side.

An arm...

....Mason mount has his arm around me....


Luckily he doesn't see my face because I feel as red as a tomato.

The morning comes and I am still in Masons arms. I shift slightly and hear him sigh, turning to face him he smiles down at me. I smile back up and snuggle into him. I am taking advantage of everything.

After a long day i am sleepy in bed, Mason hasn't arrived but he has his own key. I turn off the TV and almost ready to sleep until he walks in. He tells me he's about to get a shower and I can't sleep at all while it is loud.

The bed dips with his presence and his arm immediately snakes around my waist. He pulls them back and his hand rests on my hips until he pulls me back into him. I am cuddling with him.

I turn around and look up, he's awake still.

"Lola?" He whispers

I love his voice-

Snapping back to reality i nod

"Do you want to go on a date with me?"


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2022 ⏰

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