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The young brunette girl was sitting on the couch aimlessly scrolling through instagram in hope for something interesting to catch her eye. After karate training today she was hoping to find some inspiration for what she can do with her hair.

Half asleep on the couch the girl was suddenly woken by a soft knock on the door. letting out a big sigh she got up and opened the door.

Her face fell and she got a lump in her throat when she came face to face with her sensei "her sensei" she lets out softly at the sad look displayed on his face "what's going on?"

"let's go for a ride, get your brother" Angel furrowed her eyebrows at her sensei, obeying what he asked she quickly turns her head "Miguel!"

Miguel walked into the living room and was about to ask his twin what she wanted but instead she just pointed at the sulking Johnny Lawrence who was stood in front of her, Nodding his head he grabbed a jacket and followed after johnny who's already started walking to the car. Angel then closed the door and ran after the two.

"Good huh?" Johnny asked the twins as they were stuffing their faces with a burger "Yeah" Miguel answered for them "the secrets the chopped onions, sal keeps it simple. None of that veggie crap. just a hot grill and some quality chuck"

The twins didn't answer him, instead they just looked at each other, It was a bit awkward to be talking to their sensei now knowing that his son is Robby "you see that building over there?" the twins looked over to see which building he was talking about "the hospital?"

"That's where Robby was born, February 4th, 2002, it was a Monday, His mom was in labour for 17 hours" Angel felt as her heart started to sink, To her Johnny looked like he was dreading this conversation it broke her heart to see him upset "it must've been crazy" 

"yeah i'm sure it was" Angels head snapped to look at johnny as he replied back to Miguel. It all started to make sense for the young girl now "i wasn't there. and... my mom had just died i was a real mess, i never knew my father so she was all i had, Next think i know, i'm gonna be a dad, scared the shit out of me, So instead of being up there , welcoming him into the world, i was down here soaking up the booze from a three-day bender, trying to get the courage to walk across the street. And i never got there."

Johnny paused as he made eye contact with Miguel switching to Angel, his eyes noticeably starting to tear up, The twins had no words, Angel was ashamed that she was so mad at him for not telling them but totally forgot that he himself has his own reasons for that. Miguel on the other hand embarrassed for prying his sensei on a sensitive topic.

"I failed my kid.. on his very first day in this world, and i've been failing him every day since" Johnny's voice started to crack as angel felt her eyes tearing, a tear drop threatening to spill out of her eye "sensei, this is personal stuff. you don't have to tell us."

"No i.." Johnny sighed as he looked back at Miguel "i should've told you both a long time ago. it.. it's one of the most painful things in my life. But one of the best things... Has been teaching the two of you. And i want you both to know, no matter what happens, I promise, I'll always be on your side, and i'll always have your best interest at heart"

The young brunette not being able to contain her tears she let them spill as a soft "Thank you." Escaped her lips, Sensei looked over at the young girl, a small smile playing on his lips, his eyes all glassy and sad "yeah alright princess stop crying" Johnny chuckles sadly as he takes a napkin to dry her tears.

Miguel's phone chirped and he grabbed his phone in a flash with a sorry "who is it?" Sensei asked as he saw the worried and confused face on his students face "it's from Aisha, she heard that Miyagi-Do is doing some sort of demo at valley fest"

Johnny's eyes shot up as angel perked up "oh they are huh?" Angel asked sarcastically while looking at her sensei with a sly smirk plastered on her face


"Coming up next, do i have a treat for you, Please direct your attention to the LaRusso Auto booth for a presentation from Miyagi-Do Karate" Everyone started the applaud which only annoyed the young brunette girl and her MowHawked boyfriend even more.

turning around to look at Hawk Angel doesn't forget to roll her eyes as Sam Robby and Daniel started to preform whatever it was they were doing. "Who do they think they are?" Ur voice came out as toxic, and snaky, The sass unable to be hid away, Hawk's attention now being on his girl he couldn't help but chuckle at the sass

"Just wait till we come out." Hawk winked at his girlfriend causing her cheeks to lightly heat up, Suddenly the power cuts off, the crowd started to murmur and whisper "time for cobra kai to come through" Angel laughed


Miguel and And Angel led out two rows of the cobras chanting "cobra kai"

Everyone turned around as they ran out in their Gi's all eyes on them. Angel made eye contact with Sam and gave her a sly smirk in return of a glare, Miguel avoiding all kinds of eye contact.

They all ran out on the stage as the whole crowd started to hype them up, They have been practicing the whole day today just to make tonight perfect "Cobra's show them what real karate looks like!"

Miguel started off by having a spar with one of the other students.

Hawk doing the same by beating the shit out of another student.

Aisha up next with her eyes blindfolded as she was breaking chop bords.

Finally it was angels turn, She walked out, Miguel and Hawk following, She's about to have a spar with the both of them.

Angel stood still and waited, Miguel charged at her as she easily dodged his kick by grabbing his arm and flipping him over, "1 down, just my boyfriend to go" Angel and hawk started having an intense spar, Angel for a split second thinking she's going to lose, While hawk was caught off guard angel took this as an opportunity to flip him on his back, and so she did.

Hawk and Angel picked Demitri out of the crowd and gave him a board to hold, Hawk made a step for angel as she ran and jumped with one foot in his hand and with the other ready to break the board, Demitri shat himself before hand but after it was done he looked at the board amazed.

All of the students ran out with towels and shirts with the cobra kai logo on it and started throwing it out to the crowd, Hawk throwing his hand around his girlfriends shoulder which a big smile taking over his face.

All the students walked off the stage for Sensei's final "Cobra's light it up" Angel and Miguel walked out Lighting the wood on fire, Angel's heart slightly pounding, she gave him a nod and a smile before waking off and standing next to her boyfriend.

She kept her eyes in her sensei mesmerised by how much passion he's got for karate, he stood there for a bit staring at the fire, He then took stance and before sending his hand flying through the bricks he looked over at angel, She gave him a big smile which he returned. He looked back and sent his fist flying through the bricks.

The crowd started to chant cobra kai over and over. The cobras walked out on stage and joined the sensei "you did it sensei"

"No we did it" sensei softly replied back to the young girl. A big smile took over as she started soaking up the applause.

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